You've Never Tried CABBAGE Like This Before! Easy and Cheap Recipe

9 days ago

#cabbagerecipe #cabbageandegg
Have you ever tried this Cabbage Recipe before?
This cabbage recipe is EASY to make and really TASTY
You'll be satisfied with the result😊

➤ Ingredients
-200g cabbage
-4 bacon
-1 egg
-2 cloves of garlic
-1 tbsp oyster sauce (or soy sauce)
-A bowl of steamed rice
-1 tsp sesame oil (optional)
-parsley flakes
-black pepper
-vegetable oil

➤ Bacon is enough salty, but if you feel it is not enough, add a little more oyster sauce or salt
➤ It's delicious even if you eat it without rice

#cabbageandegg #cabbagerecipe

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