Dragon Ball Daima Reaction Episode 18 "Awakening"

11 days ago

🔥 **Goku Goes Super Saiyan 4, Majin Duu Goes Super Majin 3, and So Much More!** 🔥

Get ready for the **BEST** episode of *Dragon Ball Daima* yet! In this action-packed podcast episode, DK and the **NerdyJock** dive deep into the latest, most intense, and *controversial* episode of *Dragon Ball Daima*! 🌟

We break down everything from the stunning **animation sequences** to the epic **character design changes** from GT to Daima, and we even unpack the head-scratching continuity issues with SSJ4 Goku. What do all of these changes mean for the *future* of *Dragon Ball*? 🤔

Plus, we finally witness the **Demon World Eternal Dragon** and get a glimpse of Glorio’s *shocking* (but not so surprising) decision. 😱

💥 **Don't miss out** on this jam-packed episode, where we discuss it all in our *Dragon Ball Daima Reaction Podcast*! 💥

👾 **Stay connected with us on social media for more updates and discussions!** 👾
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