NixOS: The Most Insane Linux Distro (A Quick Overview)

11 hours ago

Quick NixOS video cover the very basics of this Linux distro. NixOS is setup and maintained thru text files - you can modify configuration.nix and build your system from the text in that file... this means you can take that text file and create the same system on other devices in your home or business.

Furthermore, you can quickly spin up environments that don't change your setup... need to spin up Node.js, Ruby or Rust but don't need that software installed? You can use the command nix-shell to quickly install the software you need, use it, and then simply exit out of that shell - the host system isn't modified, nor does it hold any of the extra stuff it would have had to install if you used a normal package manager...

Enjoy a real quick l00k at what NixOS has to offer, with TechHeart.

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