Day 59: Justice, MERCY, & Responsibility - Insights From Deuteronomy 19-21 | Bible In A Year (CSB)

3 days ago

In Day 59 of our "Bible in a Year" journey, we explore Deuteronomy 19-21, where Moses lays out laws for Israel that balance justice with mercy. From cities of refuge to rules for war and unsolved murders, these chapters reveal God’s heart for fairness, community accountability, and holiness as the Israelites prepare to enter the Promised Land.

1. How do the cities of refuge reflect God’s desire for both justice and mercy, and what might a modern equivalent look like today?

2. In what ways do the laws about war and unresolved crimes show the importance of personal and communal responsibility in God’s eyes?

3. How can we apply the principles of fairness and compassion from these chapters to our own lives or communities?

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