1st JOHN- # 2, Since the fall of man (Genesis 3), the human race has been under assault. (2-27-25)

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Why First John?
The point is that there are four purpose statements in the epistle, and each relates only to that section of the epistle where they are found. None of these, control the entire scene of the epistle.
1 John 5:13 is not the only purpose statement in the epistle: “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.” There is another purpose statement found in 1 John 1:4 “These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.” Then there is another in 1 John 2:1 “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin.” The last purpose statement, which relates to salvation and knowing that we are saved, only covers the section from 1 John 5:6-5:12.
Since the fall of man in Genesis 3 the human race has been continuously under assault. We have been under assault because of our involvement as extensions to the angelic conflict. As part of that Satan has a plethora of concepts, philosophies, religions, ideas, rationales, which he continuously promotes among the human race in order to deceive mankind, to blind our minds. That involves thought, ideas, beliefs, and Satan is involved in blinding our minds to captivate the human race and to destroy the witness of believers. John writes this first epistle to church age believers who are threatened with false teaching coming from those who at one time had been associated with the apostles and with truth, those who had at one time had known doctrine and were squared away doctrinally and are now teaching pseudo systems of spirituality which threatens the spiritual life of these believers to whom John is writing.

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