Soon It Shall Be

20 days ago

Original pop rock song by Darrell Cooper. Recorded in Klein, Texas, 2025.

Gather 'round all you people, listen up I've got something to say
Take up all of your hatred, and your contempt and throw them away
Do the same with your vengefulness, all your spite and hostility
Everyone loving everyone is the answer and soon it shall be

Love is the answer and soon it shall be
So clear to us all when we come to see
How a little bit of love can change your dreams into reality
Love is the answer and soon it shall be

There's so much more to this deal than doing for yourself
Just think how good you'll feel doing for someone else

Take this message I give to you, go tell one and another again
Have these two tell two more each and so on 'til we feel the changes begin
And when it's done the whole world's gonna feel it, the power of love flowing free
Everyone loving everyone is the answer and soon it shall be.

â„— 2025 Darrell Cooper

Released on: 02/12/2025

Music Publisher: Grant Wishes Publishing

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