[Epstein] Files | Phase 1. (Check Description)

13 days ago

From a fellow anon..

I’ve been informed that every word of the Epstein Files in this binder will be released in full today

We cannot control exact time, but it’s happening

The Trump admin is the most transparent in our lifetimes

Equal justice is being restored in America

Not too sure how I’m feeling about all of this but will wait before I spend unnecessary time or energy, knee jerk reaction we’re famous for, to wait to see.

Not too sure how I’m feeling about all of this but will wait before I spend unnecessary time or energy, knee jerk reaction we’re famous for, to wait to see.

From a fellow anon ….

The Trump Administration HAS BEGUN the actual release of the "Epstein Files." Phase 1 of the release is IN PROGRESS RIGHT NOW at the White House.

Media outlets are being given large 3-ring Binders of documentary evidence compiled by government investigations about the alleged sex-trafficking-in-Children that reportedly took place under Jeffrey Epstein, who "killed himself" in federal lock-up awaiting trial.

President Trump repeatedly promised while on the campaign trail, that the Epstein Files "will be released" if/when he was elected for a second term. Today is yet another example of "Promises made, Promises kept."

The Evidence Binders are now being carefully scrutinized and it is expected that a wellspring of information will begin pouring-out from those binders later today.


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