Dedicating Ourselves to Living Ho’oponopono, with Tattoos!

10 days ago

In this unique episode of The Edge Network Presents, owners of The Edge Kelly and Steve Wagner get a tour of Fresh Skin Tattoo in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Moved by the meanings of the Hawaiian mantra/prayer, Kelly and Steve had made the decision to dedicate themselves to living Ho'oponopono by permanently inscribing the phrase on their bodies.

Through a referral from Jamie Schwegel, a member of The Edge Partner Directory and expo vendor, they found themselves at Shawn Neu's shop. After explaining the deeper meanings and healing properties of living Ho'oponopono, Shawn felt compelled to tattoo himself with the same artwork!

Watch as Kelly interviews Shawn about his background, serving in the military, and living his dream of becoming a tattoo artist and opening his own shop.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient transformational and healing technique originating in Hawaii. Translated to "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." it is a Hawaiian practice of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. It encourages us to take responsibility for our actions, and to re-interpret negative events (and people) in our lives as 'learning lessons.' By acknowledging and releasing them, on an emotional level, allows us to heal and grow spiritually. The Edge Magazine highlighted it as the featured topic of their Dec/Jan 2024 issue – we welcome you to read the digital flipbook of the magazine at

Find out more about Shawn Neu, and book a free consultation for your next tattoo, at You can follow him on Facebook at and Instagram at

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