Executive orders, AI tyranny, and 42 national emergencies: Is the Constitution dead?

5 days ago

In this episode of the Collapse Life podcast, civil liberties attorney and returning guest, John Whitehead, reminds us just how we are sleepwalking our way to autocracy – on a road paved with 42 active national emergencies, unchecked executive power, and a $500 billion AI system that threatens your rights. From SWAT raids to a government that doesn’t care, Whitehead explains how the Bill of Rights is under siege — and what you can do to fight back.

Key topics discussed:
• How the expansion of executive power signals a dangerous trend toward autocratic rule
• How the government uses fear and crises (e.g., terrorism, mass shootings) to justify overreach
• How our ignorance of the Bill of Rights weakens our resistance to government tyranny
• How those in power do not care about the little guy at all
• How Stargate and other AI initiatives have the potential to sideline our rights and freedoms

Books mentioned (affiliate links):
• A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State - https://amzn.to/41GAKoN
• Battlefield America: The War On The American People - https://amzn.to/4biht03
• The End Of Man - https://amzn.to/43dCeaV
• Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man - https://amzn.to/41ymWN0

Relevant links:
• The Rutherford Institute - https://www.rutherford.org/

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#NationalEmergencies, #ExecutivePower, #CivilLiberties, #AIThreat, #ConstitutionCrisis, #BillOfRights, #SWATRaids, #GovernmentOverreach, #TrumpAI, #StargateAI, #PatriotAct, #LocalResistance, #FreedomFight, #TyrannyWarning, #WakeUpAmerica

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