
8 hours ago

Do you feel uncomfortable? Is life about our comfort or is about our covenant with God. There is so much that disgusts us lately, the human condition is disgusting, life has been disgusting lately, people have been disgusting.

The exposing of evil makes us feel disgusted. Human beings can be disgusting, all of us and that is why we can’t wait for Jesus to return for us because we are utterly disgusted with humanity and the crooked places where our human condition has taken us without God.

Yes, without God we are disgusting and we do find ourselves in very uncomfortable situations where we wish we never had to experience the disgust and heartache of them.

Life can hit us, wave after wave of trials, making us feel no comfort, no relief. Life can be like this. We can feel very much out of place, basically because we don’t belong here. It can feel like the battering of this world, makes our soul emotions totally out of whack.

Do you feel out of place? Do you feel like your soul is dying, the compassion, hope and joy you once had is very dim? Remember Jesus, remember what He said: The truth will set you free. We hold on to things like opinions, assumptions, speculations, presuppositions, presumptions, which are not true, which are absolutely deception, which suck the life out of our soul and bring emotional storms that never seem to cease.

Sometimes in life we do feel so very uncomfortable way, completely outside of where we think we should “think” we should be, where we “think” we feel we belong. Things are never as they seem and what we “think we know” we truly do not know. The truth is we don’t and never did belong here, this earthly home is a stopping ground and life here is short. The truth is we belong to Jesus. We are His and He is ours. He said we would have those times of uncomfortable trials, times that would make us desire to be where we do belong, with Him in His Kingdom. The truth is we have a short time to accomplish the purposes we are destined to fulfill here, and the enemy of our soul distracts us from them and from God.

When we feel this way, out of place, hopeless, wanting change, we need to look up, look away from the situations that are causing storms in our soul, causing us to be grounded in hopelessness. We need to look up out of our life storms and see Jesus, grasp ahold of His truth and experience freedom and fly, fly above the storms of life.

When the storms are raging, we look for Jesus, we look for Him to come walking on water to us, knowing as we see Him, He will still our storms. We choose to say: Peace Be Still to our soul emotions, this is the freedom we choose, to fly above our situations and glide across the waters of our lives, waiting for our Savior with activated faith and beautiful trust.

Yes, we let be, and we still our soul and we know that He is God, the very God WHO enlightens our storm and then saves us, delivers us. Trust is a beautiful thing, because it is relational, in-between finite and Infinite, it is a heart to heart relationship where faith bridges the gap between doubt and trusting God. Let your next choice be looking up in faith and hope…finding the peace of Your Savior, Jesus Christ and knowing true joy that infuses your soul with God’s amazing strength and harmony that surpasses all understanding. Uncomfortable? Look up! Get comfortable in personal relationship with Jesus, Who actually told us that He was going to prepare a place for us, a home where we do belong.

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