Aubriana Faith Brow is repeating her own cycle while taking things too far- Reupload

5 days ago

This is another response to her worst 3 hour Live stream, she lied a lot about the stuff, and let us be real she chose to do this not us. Aubriana Faith Brow You have no room to talk especially when you tried to come up with an argument to defend yourself even the way you wanted to say it from our mouths. The amount of bullshit you say out of your mouth it’ll backfire even when you lack the logical stuff and some sort, how many times have you been stuck in the cycle that you created since.

You can deny the 7 deadly sins all you want it’s not helping your case straight up, If you want to talk smack say it to my face. Plus you are down playing the Sin of Gluttony You need the reality check because knowing how illogical you made yourself you did yourself a joke especially knowing you committed all the 7 deadly sins.

Shout out to the original designers of both Transformers and Dead Space:

The NSFW Doc for only 18 and up and not for minors at all:

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