Christine Massey EXPOSES the LACK of EVIDENCE for Cooties

1 day ago

Whether or not you went along with the hogwash that was sloshed all over us starting in 2020 -- you know, that led to countless small businesses being destroyed, people locking themselves in their homes out of fear, people losing their jobs because of the jabs, and the unnecessary deaths of millions, then you will not want to miss this interview with Christine Massey, who spearheaded the freedom of information requests to hundreds of health agencies, governments and even the CDC asking one simple question: show me the evidence for this cooties particle you are claiming is causing this "die-ease." And guess what happened? Watch the interview to find out...
And be sure to join me and my Healthy American financial supporters in our private, live webinar this Saturday at 4 pm pacific. Christine will speak on our uncensored platform and you can ask her questions directly.
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Find Christine's evidence here:
(scroll for the c-o-v-i-d- info)

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205 Avenida del Mar PO Box 681
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🇺🇸 Wear your freedom:

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