2-26-25 "I'm like you, You're like me"

13 days ago

What does it mean to "disappear into Jesus"? How does this compare with how we were taught in mainstream Christianity? Our conversation today looks further into ways we are symmorphosed with Jesus.

Apology - the audio and video are not in sync.
Music intro: "Image of the Firstborn" by Bayila Dalaky https://christrevealed.info/audio/general/ImageoftheFirstborn-BayilaDalaky.mp3

Book: The Long Grey Line https://www.amazon.com/Long-Gray-Line-American-Journey/dp/080509122X
Article: I thought I lived a normal life —at 40, I realized I was in a notorious cult-like church and ran away https://nypost.com/2025/02/21/lifestyle/australian-man-escapes-from-cult-like-church-that-controlled-his-life/

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