Psychic TV Series Night | The 6th Sense (1972) Episode | Pettigrew-Tagaris Timeline Loops Explained

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Tonight I’m screening an episode of “The Sixth Sense” (1972) starring Gary Collins as Michael Rhodes: Paranormal Investigator. The series, in its entirety, has some issues with the studios that prevents it from being streamed more broadly (to date) & has mostly gone into obscurity. I think it’s because it was partly sold to the same studio that owns Night Gallery. There was a period of time where they crossed Night Gallery with The Sixth Sense but it brought out the worst in both series…chopping up the Sixth Sense into shorter episodes to fit inside Night Gallery’s format. Point is…you have to get the DVD’s or find other means to get these episodes & many of them are worth watching.

Tonight I’m focusing on “I Did Not Mean To Slay Thee” guest starring Pamela Franklin.

Without giving away too much let me just say this

A character uses an alias of “Jack Charleroi” but his real name is Jack Simmons

He lives on Charleroi Street which he uses as a fake last name…

My grandfather James Pettigrew operated in Franklin County (Pamela FRANKLIN)
Episode Villain Paul PETTIGREW

I call this ‘spinning, mixing & DJ’ing’ datasets…using Hollywood & found multiple examples of my grandfather connected to this

This episode was released around the same time I tracked my Grandfather James Pettigrew to his money laundering/muling using Alfalfa Hay Cubing operations in Franklin County, Washington State.

It’s a bit of a random episode about taking on alias identities…but here is what’s weird…the names in the episode have real life parallels to thing in my research & family history. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this happen. I produced a video about the parallels between this specific episode & how it correlates to my family’s history.

I’m going to discuss Timeline Loops & some of my theories on how/why. I’ve had experiences & been told things about how it works. I had some freaky timeline looping experiences, in my childhood, in Franklin County Washington, where I lived with James Pettigrew for a period of time. I’ll make more sense out of this particular timeline loop by playing the full episode then the supporting materials from my channel.

Time permitting, I’ll do some Technical Whiteboarding tonight…if not, I’ll pick up on a future presentation that continues on the same theme.

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