Thank you, Mr. President. Let's pray." πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

5 hours ago

Thank you, Mr. President. Let's pray." πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

"Father, we thank You for this awesome privilege, Father, to be in Your presence. God, thank You that You've allowed us to see this day. The Bible says that Your mercies are new every morning. And Father God, we give You the glory and the honor."

"Thank you, God, for President Trump. Father, for appointing us. Father God, thank You for anointing us to do this job. Father, we pray You will give the President, the Vice President, wisdom, Father God, as they lead. Father, I pray for all of our colleagues that are here around the table and in this room."

"Lord God, we pray that we would lead with a righteous clarity. Father God, that as we serve the people of this country and every prospective agency, every job that we have, Father, we would humble ourselves before You and we would lead in the manner that You've..."

β€žDanke, Herr PrΓ€sident. Lasst uns beten.β€œ πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

β€žVater, wir danken Dir fΓΌr dieses unglaubliche Privileg, in Deiner Gegenwart zu sein. Gott, danke, dass Du uns diesen Tag erleben ließest. In der Bibel steht, dass Deine Barmherzigkeit jeden Morgen neu ist. Und Gott, Vater, wir geben Dir die Herrlichkeit und die Ehre.β€œ

β€žDanke, Gott, fΓΌr PrΓ€sident Trump. Vater, dass du uns ernannt hast. Vater Gott, danke, dass du uns fΓΌr diesen Job gesalbt hast. Vater, wir beten, dass du dem PrΓ€sidenten und dem VizeprΓ€sidenten Weisheit gibst, Vater Gott, wΓ€hrend sie fΓΌhren. Vater, ich bete fΓΌr alle unsere Kollegen, die hier am Tisch und in diesem Raum sind.β€œ

β€žHerr Gott, wir beten darum, dass wir mit gerechter Klarheit fΓΌhren. Vater Gott, dass wir uns, wΓ€hrend wir den Menschen dieses Landes und jeder zukΓΌnftigen Agentur dienen, in jedem Job, den wir haben, vor Dir demΓΌtigen und in der Art und Weise fΓΌhren, wie Du es getan hast...β€œ
Thank you POTUS for your steadfast leadership in issuing an executive order that mandates clear, accurate, and actionable healthcare pricing. This executive order will empower patients with the knowledge they need to make informed health decisions. At HHSgov, we are fulfilling our promise of radical transparency in healthcare.

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