Adult Swim June 5, 2004 Inuyasha S3 Ep 59 The Beautiful Sister Apprentices

10 days ago

Kagome returns from the present with some treats for the gang, and is a little surprised to see that Sango hasn't returned yet. Because of Sango's lateness, Miroku begins to question if his habit of stroking her bottom is destroying the trust between them; he's shocked by Kagome's explanation. At Sango's village, Sango finishes the repairs on her Hiraikotsu. She lays some flowers on the graves of her slain comrades. While laying flowers on the graves, Sango thinks back to a moment with her father. As she does, she dodges some rocks that were thrown at her and Kirara. Kirara chases after the culprits and sees that it's a pair of sisters, Serina and Suzuna who Sango feeds them with food after Suzana's stomach growled. The girls beg Sango to teach the art of demon slaying. They explain that their village is now overrun with demons. Sango at first declines but eventually gives in and decides to show them some basic techniques. The first technique she teaches the girls is how to smoke out demons. After that the sun begins to set so she takes them back to the village. Meanwhile, Miroku is getting anxious waiting for Sango and asks Kagome if caressing a girl's bottom can chase them away. In the middle of the night, while Sango slumbers, Suzuna and Serina break into the village weapon house and steal all the weapons and demon bones. Sango catches them as they try to make off with the loot. They attack her and explain that they are actually from a village of ninjas, whose village was destroyed by demons. And with their father's dying breath, he asked them to "Live on and strongly..."; since he died mid-sentence, they assume he wanted them to strongly continue the village's "business". Before Sango can interject, the girls take off. Sango looks in the storehouse and sees that they took everything even the demon bones with lingering energy. Sango chases after the girls because those energized bones will summon other demons to them. Sango catches up to girls and tells them to climb on Kirara before the demon's attack. It's too late, the demons appear and the girls go to fight them off, so their father would be proud. Sango realizes that no loving father would want his daughters to live like that, she tells the girls that their father probably meant to tell them to live on strongly and happily, much like Sango's father once told her. Suzuna is reluctant to believe that, but Serina does. Sango begins to fight the demon's off, but there are too many. Luckily for Sango, Miroku and the others arrive and finish off the demons. Sango is pleased to see that her friends came looking for her. Suzuna, realizing what Sango said must be true, and leaves with Serina as the sun rises. After they part, Sango is touched to learn that Miroku was worried about her. Miroku further explains that he had a premonition that she would be in danger. He then proceeds to slyly rub her butt, which gets him a "thank you" slap from Sango.

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