Chance Englebert Case Part 3 | Dissecting the Surveillance & Timeline – What Are They Hiding?

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We’re back for Part 3 of the Chance Englebert case, breaking down the surveillance footage and timeline piece by piece. We’ve heard your theories, and tonight, we’re putting them under the microscope. What makes sense? What doesn’t? And more importantly—what are they trying to hide? We’re not stopping until we find real answers.

Disclaimer for the Crybabies:
This show is for those seeking truth, not for the easily offended. We have the right to discuss and analyze under journalistic protections and Supreme Court rulings. If you don’t like it, you are free to leave. Your presence here is entirely voluntary. Enjoy the "Show."

#ChanceEnglebert #TrueCrime #WhereIsChance #JusticeForChance #MissingPerson #ColdCase #SurveillanceBreakdown #CrimeInvestigation #TruthMatters

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