Capestuff, Joe Sweden, and giving money to people who hate you

7 hours ago

#3 in an uncertain series. In which a modicum of production value is attempted, more intellectual property is waylaid in a dark alley, and melancholy nostalgia is expressed for the theater-going experience.

NOTE: This user and or channel are in no way associated with Parallax Software, High Kicking Chris Gore or the lovely lads and lassies at Film Threat dot com. The creator of this content retains at all times and without prejudice the right to refer to Clown World as "fake and gay".

Legitimate technical information: Made entirely with open source software and it shows. Artisanally crafted by a complete and utter retard. All rights reserved except for the infinite number of civil and human rights which have been forcibly stripped from us by our fascist overlords. Good night, and may the road rise up to meet you in your face

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