PV. S3E3 with special guest Keith Evans

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Join Kell, Michael and Enoch as we talk with author Keith Evens. VAMPIRE DEAD OR ALIVE is not a book about one individual vampire, but a book about the characteristics of all vampires. I will be exploring if a vampire is alive or dead. I will be looking into all the characteristics that would place the vampire into the dead category. I will also, look at all of the traits that would compare a vampire to a living being. I offer a unique perspective on the vampire's origins, biology, and place in modern culture. I have blended a scientific speculation with personal theory. VAMPIRE DEAD OR ALIVE explores vampires through a speculative scientific approach, incorporating genetic mutations, extraterrestrial connections, and theoretical physics. I am showing how vampire is a very complicated, intriguing and intelligent form of animated being. The Author, Keith Evans has a bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Central Florida. He is a retired Army Reservist and a retired Forensic Scientists. He began completing Paranormal Research as a young child. He hopes you will keep an open mind concerning all vampires

Amazon: https://a.co/d/8R2VMWz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keith.evans.9843499
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@paranormalshortsessionsbyk6964

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