Pisces New Moon Feb 27 ’25 Astrology and Frequencies #astrology #highvibe #frequencies

5 hours ago

https://www.soundworksbygehl.com This Pisces New Moon leads a stellium with Saturn, Mercury, North Node and Neptune, acting as a portal of creativity, and inviting us to use our God given imagination to create the future we desire for ourselves and our world. As we exercise our inner vision we simultaneously “overwrite” our past reality (Virgo South Node) designed by institutions and entities (Mercury conj. North Node) seeking to keep us infinitely preoccupied with daily survival and feeling ill equipped to do so. High vibe Pisces North Node is about Unity Consciousness, and recognizing how connected we are to each other and all of creation through the divine network/grid.

New Service! I am now certified to offer eligible clients Anrita Melchizedek’s Galactic Activations to assist in the ascension process. Please visit https://soundworksbygehl.com/new-galactic-activations/ for more information.

Planetary Frequencies: 18:05

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To book an astrology reading visit: https://calendly.com/soundworksbygehl/60min

To book the Initial Astrosonics Healing session visit (astrology and sound healing session): https://calendly.com/soundworksbygehl/astrosonics-initial-session

For Jennifer's books on planetary science visit: https://www.innertraditions.com/books/the-return-of-planet-sedna


Planetary Frequencies:
Sun/NM/Neptune - Pisces New Moon
Sun/NM/Mars - trine
Sun/NM/Jupiter - square
Mercury/Saturn/Uranus conj/sextile
Mercury/Saturn/Neptune conj.
Mercury/NN(Jup)/SN(Chiron) conj./opp
Venus/Jupiter sextile
Mars/Saturn/Chiron trine/square
Uranus/Sedna/NN(Neptune) conj./sextile
Uranus/Sedna/SN(Chiron) conj./trine
Neptune/Pluto/Sedna sextiles
Pluto/Sedna/ASC(Venus) grand air trine
Pluto/Sedna/SN(Chiron) trine

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