THORUGH GOD'S EYES ~ The Global Meltdown & Humanity's Last Hope in Yeshua (Jesus)

9 days ago

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls to the latest film created by Animated bible Cinema (ABC) in conjunction with S.O.S. for CHRIST. This video comes to the world as a warning shot fired by the Almighty God himself, as seen through His eyes! The film is called:


Question: "How long will God put up with the desecration humanity has brought to the earth and each other; especially to His children born and unborn who are made in the image and likeness of Himself?

Jesus's first words recorded in Sacred Scripture were "REPENT!" He also stated numerous times throughout the four Gospel messages: "PRAY, FAST, GIVE ALMS, Love your neighbor, prayer for your enemies, do good to those who hurt and persecute you, and his final command was the commission to "go" and make disciples of all nations, building the Kingdom of God on earth."

How? By experiencing a personal relationship with the God who made you, the Son who suffered died and rose to save you from sin and death, and the Holy Ghost who sanctifies you to imitate Jesus and bring as many souls as possible to the Truth that sets their souls free!

Yeshua (Jesus) gave one final command; He commissioned his followers to "go" and sharing the Kerygma, the "Good News" that Yeshua, Jesus is LORD for every man, woman, and child.

Every man, woman, and child (who has reasoning) will ultimately decide to freely choice one of two paths:
#1: To live for the Lord (thereby, freely choosing Heaven), or
#2: Live for the devil (freely choosing hell).
Which choice will you make?

Wait! The great news is there is hope for all men, women, and children! They key, however, is for each of us to ask, seek, and find THE TRUTH! IF every man, woman, and child (who has reason) will humbly repent and surrender to the perfect will of God, then blessings flow and salvation is near?

Will you choose to accept the mission? God will make a way, where there seems to be no way ~ and that Way is through His Son Yeshua (Jesus)!

Pax et Bonum,

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