The Wealth of Nations Book 5 Chapter 1 Part 1 - The Cost of National Defence

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How much does national defense really cost? From hunter-gatherer warriors to modern standing armies, the price of military protection has evolved alongside society. In this video, we explore how early societies relied on militias, why standing armies became dominant, and how military expenses escalated with economic development. Why did ancient Rome shift from a citizen militia to a professional army? How did feudal knights fund their own warfare? And why did the rise of gunpowder make war more expensive than ever? We’ll also examine how standing armies shaped world history, from Philip of Macedon’s disciplined troops to the fall of Rome. Finally, we’ll explore the modern implications—does a strong military protect freedom, or does it threaten it? Discover the economics of war and the hidden costs behind national security.

Questions Answered in the Video:
Why were early societies able to wage war without state funding?
How did militias function in farming and feudal societies?
Why did standing armies replace militias?
What role did professional armies play in Rome’s success?
How did gunpowder increase the cost of war?
What economic impact did war have on feudal and modern societies?
Do standing armies protect or threaten liberty?
How did wealthy nations gain a military advantage in modern warfare?
Why do civilizations with weak armies risk invasion?
Can a standing army help modernize a nation?

00:00 - Introduction to the Cost of National Defence
00:12 - The Primary Duty of Government
00:28 - Hunter-Gatherer Societies
00:43 - Pastoral Societies
01:11 - Shepherd Societies
01:44 - Early Farming Societies
02:18 - Small Farming Nations
02:38 - Growth of Manufacturing
03:17 - Historical Examples
03:36 - Soldiers vs. Civilians
03:57 - Training Armies
04:22 - Military Service as a Duty
04:53 - Militias vs. Standing Armies
05:29 - Defining Militias and Standing Armies
05:49 - The Impact of Firearms
06:12 - Historical Superiority of Professional Armies
06:36 - Carthage vs. Rome
07:01 - The Pattern of History
07:16 - Rome’s Standing Army
07:46 - The Decline of Rome's Military
08:27 - Post-Roman Militias
08:56 - Standing Armies in Peacetime
09:22 - Vulnerability of Nations Relying on Militias
09:41 - Standing Armies and Civilization
09:57 - Potential Threats to Freedom
10:19 - Increasing Military Expenses
10:40 - Modern Warfare and Advanced Economies
11:01 - Conclusion

Hashtags: #MilitaryHistory #NationalDefense #StandingArmies

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