Solo Barbarian Baldur's Gate Playthrough Ep. 15 (first 20 minutes cut)

3 days ago

First 20 minutes cut due to no one wanting to watch me figure out how to make the chat show up or wander around looting. Made it to Moonrise Towers, proceeded to massacre the place, tried prematurely to merc Ketheric Throm, quickly got frustrated and realized my mistake (friend at work the next day explained it to me, I am not a bright man)

Started with a four man, lost one and continued with a three man. Lost another one so we started a duo play through, made it past the first act... finally. Now I suppose if I am ever to finish this game, I am going to need to push through it solo.

Bear with me, people. I am not that amazing. Finally, making progress into the unknown.

Watch this playthrough live Thursdays (somewhat regularly)

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