Bible Study: I Corinthians Part IX

13 days ago

I Corinthians 11:17 – 12:31 - The Lord's Supper & Spiritual Gifts

Paul broadens reproof and correction from divisions, heresies and detractors to carnal behavior in the church regarding the Lord's supper and Spiritual gifts. So we examine what the scripture tells us the Lord's supper is, how it's to be observed, and we learn why some who observed unworthily got sick and even died! Is "transubstantiation" true? Is the Lord's supper an ordinance for the Christian Church today? And if so, how should we observe it?

What are the Spiritual gifts, how did they operate? what were they for? are they still around today? Can I get healed by God today? How do I know I have the Holy Spirit? How is He operating today. Does he heal, and can I speak in tongues? Do I need to have spiritual gifts to know I'm a saved Christian?

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