The 7950X3D upgrade announcement. Talking and the end of the autumn in my birthday!

7 hours ago

Sorry that i didn't talk too well, I still haven't spoke much to my 30 USD USB microphone so... Yeah. On the one hand, I finally have my Ryzen 9 7950X3D CPU and didn't bend the motherboard pins or screw up the thermal paste. but on the other hand? I didn't celebrate my birthday. Not with cake at the least. However, since the 7950X3D won the poll vote over the 4K Samsung OLED or Mini-LED true HDR monitor. You can expect me to have a stronger focus on minecraft horror maps, possibly doing mod reviews with live commentary even and possibly me considering streaming seriously for the first time (if the monitor had won, i would have had a stronger focus on gameplay movies and HDR cinematic movies instead).

September 1th 2024 (Mirrored from Youtube)

BCAA Restricted Targeted Keto based on the Lamming Lab, Kitavan Diet and Okinawa Diet and sweet potato farmer diet studies (85% fat, half of it saturated like Stearic or Palmitic, as much as possible preferably. 5-8% protein. BCAA restriction at 1%, or 8 grams limit daily with meat at 20% BCAAs, Beef tendons and non muscle cuts like Oxtail, Lamb shank. Sliverskin. Ligaments. Skin. Cheeks and feet/knuckles at 12%. Grains at 15-16%. Potatoes at 15%. Mung bean glass noodles at zero. Eggs at 22%. Milk protein at 24%.) Energy intake- typically varies between 1700-2400 kcal. Cultured butter (sour cream/fermented) melted typically followed by a whole cup of whipping cream to thicken it up into a stew or sauce to boil beefballs in, then seasoned with salt. pepper and spices and such while vegetables also get boiled in it like cabbage.

Alternatively beef tendon soup, in which case water. followed by vinegar to bring up the acidity and beef tendons (parboiled before) getting tossed in along with ginger and onion salt. At midpoint, add in potatoes. stevia and erythritol sweeteners. soy sauce and any other desired seasonings. Boil and reduce down just before it fries!

Estimated daily food costs- 7.28 USD (Beef tendons are not eaten much other than europeans and asians for some reason and they are thus considered low-grade meat. and when americans do eat collagen it is in the form of leaded gasoline bombs like Bone broth since all modern animals are contaminated with lead nowadays). This assumes whipping cream, cultured butter and such are bulk-brought when discounted. the carb source is potatoes or either noodles (not ideal due to surprisingly high protein content) and includes the Puerh tea and salt and spices and other seasoning costs. Keep in mind beef tendons do not have trypthothan. thus some muscle meat is still necessary.
Supplement costs estimated:138 USD monthly
And no, stop asking about bone broth. its not worth it with lead contamination in modern animal bones.
One meal a day early time restricted fasting with monthly FMD/Fasting mimicking diet cycles if possible (Bulletproof variation)
All supplements should be taken with a meal (especially the non-liposomal ones, who are not bioavailable without fat) with the exception of L-theanine and Mag bisglycinate
Doctor's best Alpha Lipoic acid (1200 mg High dose. 300 mg capsules. mito booster)
NOW Foods Vitamin D3 (12000 IU Megadose estimated to reach 70 ng/ml)
Doctor's Best K2 MK7 (200 mcg High dose)
NOW Foods magnesium Bisglycinate (250 mg at meal. 250 mg before bed. also partly assists in BCAA catabolism via Glycine)
NOW Foods 200 mg L-theanine (Meal and before bed. plays a role in human fat browning)
NOW Foods TMG (1 gram)
Codeage Liposomal NMN and Resveratrol (1 capsule. SIRT1)
Codeage Liposomal Apigenin (1 capsule. CD38 inhibition. NAD fuel for Mitochondrial NAD reserves necessary to metabolize dietary carbs or fat)
Uphill sprinting (4-6x sets. has a senolytic effect). Sedentary on rest day
Puerh Tea (The longer it is fermented the better. For Desaturate inhibition and fermented food benefits. Has senolytic effects due to Theaflavins inhibiting BCL-2 in senescent cells)

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