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----------------------------------REMOVED VOICES----------------------------

Copy and paste these phrases directly in chat to hear them read aloud by the selected voice!

!adin i gave trump a cyber truck, he refused to drive it home i was so butt hurt i bet all my money away that night and cried into my soft satin pillow

!adin hey chat shut the fuck up chat and listen to me chat listen this guy nays garden is the bomb get your asses over to the garden on rumble and start supporting his kick ass pod cast kiddies!

!adin After last nights, shut the fuck up chat! After last nights crippling gambling losses, I will no longer be gambling online any longer between the hours of one and two pee em. Quit cryin chat!

!alex be more creative, for instance did you know if you butt chug a carton of cigarettes and chase it with ether. you can get nineties scrambled porn channels on your gameboy. 8 bit tits. holy shit

!alex I'll snort only half a line of ultra potent super male vitality in the morning, then wait an excruciating 4 ENTIRE seconds to snort that second line of ultra potent super male vitality and then I am renovating!

!alex there's a drone in nays backyard we gotta shoot it down with cruise missiles.

!alex spied on the illuminati, the masonic lodge the odd fellows the buildeburgs skull and bones bohemian grove kappa zeta the girl scouts and the laborers at central park to kill a groundhog!

!alex Last time I did a full line. had a full in depth discussion with the gargoyle figurines in our newly renovated bathroom. They also think the whole town was against me. Cheers Nay

!alex And then I am renovating the bathroom, today we are installing some beautiful crown molding with some gargoyle accents, the wife is banging away on the door now I can hear her high pitched wine.

!alex my bitcoin doing great. a Christmas miracle

!alex super charged, 12 cylinder nasal tracked quad excused coke snorting engine. tesla would've cried at the sight of my nose vacuum

!alex it was the chi coms and the globalist killing of humanity

!alex i just decarboxylated my own shit to send to Africa

!alex Who the talent agent for this joint be? -like you think I be sitting around watching what Diddy do?...

!alex I used a full can of compressed air, cleared out my nostrils then I'll snort only half a line of ultra potent super male vitality in the morning

!alex sometimes its the chi coms that illegally crossed our boarder and is now taking control of the southern cali landscape

!alex whoever destiny is talking to has the I Q of Billie's wife's surgically removed uterus.

!alex buy super male ultra good nice masculine vital signs or wait. no. what do i sell? shit super. umm. super dave osbourne. no

!aoc I just love fat dabs

!aoc i love nancy pelosi im sorry i meant to say i love our mama bear shes so big and cuddly

!arnold not meant to be funny but a real Arnold story. While filming twins, I took Danny to a party, our last names was written in cocaine. So i bragged, DANNY LOOK AT MY NAME! HUGE Danny! HUGE!

!arnold during the filming of conan the barbarian I was also having a testicle removed and replace with a badjah.

!arnold just like the Kennedys do for me. under the table, multiple ways

!biden Whos the dime piece in the back? Sombody call security! Destiny is under attack! I'll call in the texas rangers and handle the situation with some nuclear sub launches! Where is my brief case?

!biden racecar spelled backwards is, aw, hell. I forgot that one.

!biden I'll be right back Jill's taking me to dairy queen . gona get a dilly bar

!biden merry chisma, merry crisis, happy Christler merry chrystler.

!biden Big Kahuna Burger. That's that Hawaiian burger joint. I heard they got some tasty burgers.

!cooper reporting live from the alex jones studio where everyone appears to be snorting only half of a line of ultra potent super male vitality...

!cooper reporting live from the white house where everyone appears to be snorting a complete line of ultra potent super male vitality... and getting based.

!downey i went to skid row and a homeless guy said, "tony stark", so i picked up a cracked out midget and beat him to death with it. then I gave the short guy a marvel pin.

!ellen i enjoyed it while i was sorting through my old plane tickets. for no reason pay no attention. i sort them all day. cause I'm neat. what island?

!elon ha haha ha hahahe, you fools i'm manipulating this behind a literal wizard curtain. i had it made for 27 million. selling 600 million worth now and purchasing Hindz ketchup. it's german, so..

!elon to all my twitter advertisers, go fuck yourselves, and in case they didnt hear me the first time, go. fuck. yourselves!

!elon when i built the pyramids, ha ha, no i mean.. nevermind

!elon i swindled the entire united states federal government based on a lie I totally made up that we can populate mars and they ate in hook line and sinker morons.

!elon i'm making this happen, as soon as you buy I'm gonna sell five hundred million off and buy your town.

!elon it's going to be nuts. I'll kill the entire Mars crew legally and humans will just line right up as if they're gonna make it, boom dead, then more will willingly get in line, glorious.

!gates listen, i started from the bottom, of silicon valley, fuck steve jobs, and fuck you, I'll make more covid, bitch

!gates my dad is on a business trip. since I was seven

!hillary Due to unseen circumstances I will rip this bong right after I delete this email..

!trump Here's the recipe, first you kidnap a midget and scare that fucker, strangle it, dry it out, grind him up, decarboxylate it at 125 degrees, throw it out then put cocaine in the bottle. Done.

!hillary i want that land without the people haha

!hillary I tried to get the Diddy oil treatment but he said, "No Bitch cause I ain't drunk enough to do that.." Look at him now.

!hillary it's beginning to look a lot like fuck it's time to smoke

!jackson motherfuckahs better listen to motherfuckin' nays garden on rumble baby now chill and say yeah

!jackson The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.

!jackson Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.

!jackson And I'll strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. You will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

!jackson alright i'm sorry, muffucka. let's make up over a good burger. a big kahuna. my treat.

!jackson yeah, well The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. except trump. there's a law against it, dummy.

!jackson big kahuna burger melts in you damn mouth. have you ever ate one a those sumbitches while burying a body? the hole gets dug, real fast. DAMN IT MAN. yumm, bitch shit.

!jackson dat bear going to catch you outside one night and he going to attack and eat you from your asshole first

!jayz i heard Nays garden is the bitcoin betcha!

!jayz my bad brotha i got ya yiiiiiiii

!lex i am a horrible interviewer because i am too stupid to push back and ask the really tough questions but Joe Rogan loves the way I smell so I am in there friends.

!matthew my buddy brought me a Roomba i 7 that he couldn't get working. turns out its because it needs a subscription. you have to pay it? why not just hire a maid at that point? what the fuck, man?

!matthew Duke Nukem? i did that as a kid in Nebraska. at the frat. I'm not proud of it. but don't regret shitting in the microwave either.

!matthew agavee cactus juice is sweet as fuck. that's why it's used to ferment tequila all right all right? all? right?

!matthew agavee cactus juice is sweet as fuck. that's why it's used to ferment tequila. now buy my tequila you sheep fucker. you know you want it, bitch. 300 dollars, get it out

!matthew because i can boof anything. i'm the boof champ the boof wizard the boof general. the almighty buttchug witch doctor of borneo, baby. as billie says, "boof your beans".

!matthew Howie is indeed a stupid cunt. 1. freaks when he touches anything, 2. posted a prolapse on tiktok claiming he didn't know own what it was, sure bud, 3 he's the male Ellen degenerous. 4. fuck

!matthew lincoln has paid me millions, man. but I drive a Toyota. no shit. A bad ass Tacoma. AwRight!

!matthew toten shlog was also the name of a Bavarian hooker I hired in Israel. She was brilliant. hiding in plain sight alright alright?

!matthew meh. fuck you Vaughn. cry baby. nays going through some shit

!matthew i was at my club's summer retreat one night, I can't disclose the name, but while we set the owl on fire and started the sacrifice, I turned around n saw some fat balding dick in the bushes. yelling.

!matthew k cups? work? i wake up an hour early to fly down to Columbia, hike to the top of mount puta wella and pick exactly 3 cups of beans, toast them with a bark fire and pop em right up my ass.

!morgan If there's magic in boxing, it's the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, or being raped by puff daddy.

!morgan Here's the recipe, first you kidnap a midget and scare that fucker, strangle it, dry it out, grind him up, decarboxylate it at 125 degrees, throw it out then put cocaine in the bottle. Done.

!morgan the first day i met andy dufrain I knew that honkey was gonna get the old wine cork in d block

!morgan I was in the hillary emails, the stolen trump documents, Oliver North's client list, the Epstein list, R Kelly's guest book, and the diddy tapes. and nobody noticed. ha

!morgan "Who the talent agent for this joint be? -like you think I be sitting around watching what Diddy do?..."

!morgan Life is like a jar of honey. Sweet, sticky, and if you’re not careful, you’ll get stung by a bee you didn’t even know was there, right in the pee hole.

!morgan i remember my mammy cookin' up a mess of collard greens and poke salad in the summer. I'm kidding, I was raised in a wealthy Charleston neighborhood and got my first acting check at 9. ACTING

!morgan you know damn well our moms would just say, "it would be even faster not to curse.", it woulda burned my ass, boy. fuck you, mom

!peter stewie wait here for an hour and I will be back as soon as the casino kicks me out! Brian? You have Megs Visa Card?

!peter yep that fucker served false evictions to hundreds of black families in 1985. made for a pleasant Christmas to all of them

!peter meg go flirt with that paraplegic man til he pays for my beer tab. if he refuses tell him you'll turn him into a quadriplegic. two plus two equals no working limbs.

!peterson Ya know if you want to understand evil, you simply must buy as much Naht-zi texts and memorabilia as you can possibly afford and THAT! is how you avoid being EVIL!

!peterson as a boy i grew up on a farm. and i love cows, those big beautiful eyes.. and i fucked the cows and sometimes the sheep too, i miss being a boy

!peterson autocorrect makes us capitalize. why don't you want meto capitalize them? grammar is the pinnacle of a strong, long, iron phallus

!peterson if you buy my book, 89.99 on mine komf dot com, you'll see I can't be racist because I donate to African children. meaning I own several black people, bucko! i know most of their names too

!peterson I told you. it's serious shit. your front hairline is super full now. it'll get thicker. but old joe joe decided to cut into his scalp, now he's fucked, bald bitch.

!peterson everyone wonders what a man is. they ask me how to be a man, but the idiots haven't figured out how to search "nays garden" it's just typing. they can't type? that's no kind of man.

!peterson do me a favor. on a lazy Saturday, stretch your scrotum over your phallus. stare at it and think about that. it changes your life.

!peterson never mistake fireworks on a computer for a rude delivery driver because the answer is in my book. fifty nine ninety nine on Barnes and noble.

!peterson ya know Alex isn't far off with frogs being gay. if a tadpole isn't a bit dangerous than he's not an effective man. that's not a frog at all!

!peterson when i'm sick of reading my book, how to succeed at being a weasel three hundred ninety nine on amazon, I watch nays garden. it just what men DO

!peterson one time i was floating in the dead sea... and a barracuda came up and bit my dick. not cause it was attracted to me, but because it moves in the water like a lure. tiny and spastic.

!peterson ya know i wear this two toned suit to prove to the world it only takes half of me to beat the average debate opponent, but i also just love this suit dont you as well there buddy?

!peterson a man isn't a man if a man can't man, man. what the hell, man

!peterson you think getting by is hard try pissing out a 50 karat kidney stone with a prostate the size of a sweet potato THEN TELL ME life is hard, bucko

!peterson I absolutely have wisdom beyond human capability and I will never be appreciated by the peons who cant even comprehend the complexity of my intellectual prowess

!peterson that's the era that I. et destiny in that Malibu porta potty. that's why his hair is blue. that porta potty burnt down yesterday. it held a lot of sentiment for me.

!peterson did you know I can pick your pocket with my prolapse? I once fetch a drink with it from across the room. I can never list that as a talent due to stigma. but I feel it's a real super power.

!phil I studied medicine half of my life to make it onto television and be able to tell the world that cannabis is a poison to your mind, body and mustache!

!rogan i have literally begged that guy nay from nays garden to come on but he keeps ghosting me... jamie, hey jamie can you try to get that nay guy in here to the Joe Ro Ex bro?

!rogan fucking crowder and his shoulder holster. he looks like the toy you get for Christmas when your mom can't afford the G I Joe you asked for. gay

!rogan i'd kick bigfoots ass. no problem. fuck bigfoot. does bigfoot have smelling salts? no. fuck that guy hairy henderfuck.

!rogan Bro, what if octopuses are just aliens waiting for us to evolve enough to understand their music? Like, underwater techno we can't hear yet. Pass me the elk jerky; I’m spiraling.

!rogan damn i thought i was a stoner but nay is straight up smoking out of an alien contraption

!snoop yall better come in and say hello to the best show on rumble, make sure u grab a doobie too

!snoop Time to schmookeaboowl dabba dabba do

!shkreli i jacked the prices up on medications because I am a greedy little cunt bitch ass mother fucker

!snoop man bitcoin is mack daddy ! getting ready for that parabolic shit to go down

!snoop it's beginning to look a lot like fuck it's time to smoke

!snoop matter of fact here trump take a hit it might make America great again hahahah

!snoop cant nobody blow smoke rings better than trendy nay

!snoop cheers Nay and all you trendys sipping on gin and juice layed back with my mind on my bitcoin and my bitcoin going up

!snoop hit those thumbs up for the best show on rumble at NaysGarden. Bring a packed bowl too 😁

!spongebob click click click my my my destiny a fast talker and a fast typer . he needs a nice big bong rip to chill out

!spongebob I wonder if sandy and Patrick wants to smoke a bong with me at the krusty crab

!spongebob hahahahahahahahaha I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready to smoke in a pineapple under the sea.

!thunberg how dare you you daring charatah of a shell of a husk of a rotton tomatoe tree

!thunberg You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing.

!thunberg How dare you troll Nays Garden

!thunberg pinoy is my new name for bothering people by pissing on em there i pinoyed you bitch ass

!trump nay has , lost his mind, might as well bunk with Joe. try walking down some stairs buddy, stair man nay they call you, the memory wizard. I walked in and said, wow he's got a memory on him, no

!trump i swiped right on rosey O'Donnell just to fuck with her

!trump worst fake laugh evah

!trump enjoy your cannabis smoking days while they last hahahaha cheers yall

!trump and today I wanna parden Nay from Nays garden a parden for past present and future reasons

!trump excuse me excuse me sleepy joe biden you're fired!

!trump i will make the biggest damn laser anyone has ever seen and plant it atop the capital building to point it at the moon and smoke bud. epic

!trump I just love watching Nay on Nays Garden while I'm getting high it makes things so much better

!trump Michael Haskey is deserving of the highist priority of pardon this office has in its power and will be forever known as his majesty Skeeterbee

!trump now that I have smoked cannabis with Nay from Nays garden I feel so much better about making America great from here on. I will now mail everyone an ounce of some very good flowers

!trump you wanna break the glass ceiling hillary, i sense it. but the only crack you will find is my ass press against it

!trump I hate Elon musk hes a loser, i'll beat him bigly at anything. I have so much more money

!trump I told him it's badger, he said Badjah. I said no Badger and then he replied badjah.. I gave up on him..

!trump I'd like to invite you Nay along side of Willie and snoop to the Whitehouse for a big fatty smoke session are you in I'll have a car pick you up

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