1 month ago

The COVID pLandemic and lockstep response to it is the biggest fraud in Medical history, arguably unfolding into the worst crime against humanity, all predicated on LIES.
"Normal" People will be enraged if they ever realise the true extent to which relevant heads of healthcare have been lying in sync with political leaders and evil corporations about the situation that they themselves created , for their own profit and control over us.
We honour:
UK MP Andrew Bridgen for having had the courage to speak out in this time of universal deceit in the worst miscarriage of medical science via the deadliest mass formation of ignorance ever.
We Diss:
Fauci and Osterholm. Two US deep state fear porn pushing, gene-jab shilling gangsta merchants.
Telegram@freedomtirade montages are intended to incite medical revolution by piercing the lies of brutal charlatan eugenicists who have hijacked medical science.

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