The Soul Cages by Sting ~ No Amount of Physical Wealth is Worth Losing Your Soul

10 days ago

The Soul Cages is the Title Track from Sting's 3rd Album, a Record based in and around Losing his Father, and what he, as both a Boy and a Man, would do to Rescue his Father's Soul from a Hard and Lonely Life of Shipbuilding at Wallsend, near Newcastle upon Tyne...

This entire Brilliant Album is about the concept of the Fallen Man, but from the perspective of Forgiveness and Salvation, as we Fall because we Live in a World where Sin becomes the Natural bi-product of a Broken World filled with Lies and Moral Ambiguity...the Innocence still possessed by Sting, remembers that we were once Angels, upon High, before becoming the unwitting Victims to a Broken System instituted by a Society Hell-bent on Self Destruction...

'For Six Days a Week he would watch his Poor Father,
A Working Man Live like a Slave...'

'It was midnight, midnight at noon
Everyone talked in rhyme,
Everyone saw the big clock ticking
Nobody knew, nobody knew the time,
Elegant debutantes smiled,
Everyone fought for dimes,
Newspapers screamed for blood,
It was the best of times...

Every place around the world it seemed the same
Can't hear the rhythm for the drums,
Everybody wants to look the other way
When something wicked this way comes...'

And throughout this entire album, and especially with the Song, the Soul Cages, and the Album's Closing Track, When the Angels Fall, there slowly comes a sense of Peace from the Album's Protagonist as he comes to Accept himself and his Father as Good Souls gone wrong from All the Lies, Deceit and Pitfalls placed before All Men as they Struggle to Make Sense of a World purposefully filled with Illogic and Sin...and it is from this Acceptance of forced Imperfection and a Desire to Better in Life that this Sense of Peace finally comes to both himself and his Father; that in Death, can come a Re-Birth of a Better World, one filled with Fathers and Sons, together, seeking nothing more than the Joy of spending Time without the Worry of Lack and Broken Dreams...

'These are my feet,
These are my hands,
These are my children,
And this is my demand...
Bring down the angels,
Cast them from my sight,
I never want to see,
A million suns at midnight,
Your hands are empty,
The streets are empty,
You can't control us,
You can't control us anymore...'

That we become Free in Life, through Death, and the acceptance of our True Selves and True Purpose, separate from the Hands of Man, with a Renewed Sense of Faith thru Spirit and the Inalienable Rights that God Bestows within each and everyone of us...

Here is to a Reality where ALL shall be showed Forgiveness and given Salvation for having had to Live in such Dark and Disparate times, controlled by the Hands of Evil, those who Believe that Life can be Lived and Controlled separate from God...

We shall Rise when the Angels Fall...

Love, CF

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