Starting Over! New Alpha Cases First Test Day!!

10 days ago

Well, let's get into this one! New Alpha cases on hand now. Time to test them for the first time.
We are starting with a primer depth test. I wanted to try the new tool I got, the Accuracy One primer gauge. As it turns out, I can't use it to measure my pocket depth. The pocket is just a little tighter than the stem of the tool designed to go to the base of the pocket. I will be sending it to them to get it fixed, when I have some time. Too much happening at work this week!
But, I got a good estimate and went for a flush seating like I have been using.
Then 3 thou deeper, then another 3 deeper.
I loaded them with the powder charge I used on my other Alpha cases. Used the new Matchmaster. I still have a lot to learn on it. There are a lot of things you can adjust. I got it set up just well enough to get me the charge I wanted. I need to make the beeping turn off, very annoying! And tweak the settings a bit more. Once I learn this better, we will do a comparison and show it off better! Let me know what you want to see with it and I will try and make it happen!!
As you can see from the test results, there was one group that was noticeably better than the others. I thought it would be worse, but it surprised me!
I plan to load 10 from 3 different boxes this weekend, same primer depth, same powder and see if they have the same POI and speeds. If so, I should be good to load up 100 and not worry about which box they come from. This is my goal, to have 400 cases that won't matter which box they came from. I can load the same way and get the same results!
Let me know if you think this is a good idea, please!

Thanks for watching this week. I do appreciate you all.
Have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!

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