Rabbit Hole Roundup 62: COBRA KAI NEVER DIES... | Finale Thoughts, DOGE Thoughts and Why I'm Hopeful

5 hours ago

#cobrakai #karatekid #johnnylawrence
Haven't you heard? Cobra Kai never dies! In today's new Rabbit Hole Roundup, I talk about one of the only new shows I've watched and one of my favorites as well as a favorite of my family and friends! Although it wasn't perfect and at times a bit too violent for my liking, overall this show was nostalgia done the right way! Also, just to warn you guys, if you have not yet watched the series or series finale and plan to, I do give a heads up on that topic so feel free to skip past that part because I do give away the ending. I loved the Johnny Lawrence redemption story and many of the life lessons from the show as well. In addition to that, I also talk about some politics but of course from a more open and positive perspective and reasons to be hopeful and I talk about how we can acknowledge all the good things going on without it needing to be a 1000% endorsement of the individuals doing them. We can be optimistic and skeptical at the same time! For instance, I believe DOGE is undoubtedly doing a lot of good right now, and I believe RFK and Kash Patel have the power and potential to do a lot of good. Now, I don't know if everything will be perfect or what might come in the future. But yet, many people out there choose to operate in this black or white, good or evil way of thinking which I think keeps us in fear and at a low vibration and doesn't allow us to see the good going on whether in our own lives or the world. Tune in now...
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Also, just to remind you guys (you can find more in our about section and on my (Jared’s) instagram), Jared has been healing from a life threatening illness and currently is healing from severe digestive and neurological and speech issues. And I’m so glad to be joined by my best friend James. We are trying to inspire you guys to be the best versions of yourselves as well as entertain you and provide value to your lives. We don’t claim to have all the answers but we hope to make you guys smile, laugh, and be inspired to believe that anything is possible!

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Also, the advice in these videos is not intended to be taken as medical advice. Anything that I (Jared) say with regards to health should be seen as my opinions and although they have been thoroughly researched, we are all different and our bodies all have different needs.-I am required to give this type of disclaimer to protect myself.

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