Week 5 Tutorial: It's a New Day for Israel! (Exodus 15-40)

5 hours ago

Week 5 Readings of our 2025 Chronological Bible-in-a-Year Reading Challenge have us journeying with the Israelites from the Celebratory Song of Miriam and Moses after their Red Sea Crossing, to the Cutting of their New Covenant with Yawheh at Sinai, and, finally, approximately 12 months since they left Egypt, to the Construction of the Tabernacle.

In this tutorial, Chad encourages us to see the Book of Exodus as an epic tale that declares one main message: 'It's a New Day for Israel!'

Pay special attention, in these chapters, to: a New Song (the Song of Moses in Exodus 15), a New System (particularly the cutting of a new covenant in Exodus 24), and a New Sanctuary where worship will take place and God's glory be manifest with His people.

Chad's suggested approach to this week's readings includes the following five sittings:
- Israel's Journey from the Red Sea to Mt Sinai (Exo. 15–18)
- Israel's New Constitution and Covenant with God (Exo. 19–24)
- The Instructions for Building the Tabernacle (Exo. 25–31)
- The Repercussions of Covenant Unfaithfulness (Exo. 32–34)
- The Construction of the Tabernacle/Sanctuary (Exo. 35–40)

Watch Chad's Sermon from 2024, '7 Ways to Pray—Through the Tabernacle of Moses', which contains a brief video animation and explanation of the Tabernacle Layout and Furnishings, here: https://rumble.com/v5jviuq-7-ways-to-praythrough-the-tabernacle-of-moses.html


Participation in this Challenge is free and open to all!
1. Download & Print the PDF Reading Schedule here: https://bit.ly/2025BiblePlanPDF
2. Watch Chad's Weekly Videos at our Playlist: https://rumble.com/playlists/NLkJpY1qMHI

3. Set aside 90-120 mins every week (approx.) to work through the readings. This format has you walking through the Bible in a chronological manner: with psalms, prophets and epistles being inserted into the narrative at appropriate points.

Web: https://www.chadmansbridge.com
Facebook: / chad.m.mansbridge
Instagram: / chad.m.mansbridge

Enjoy this tutorial, get stuck into your readings... another one coming next weekend!

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