that little fucking cike did it again!

10 days ago

once again one strike and I don't even truly know what the fuck I did on Facebook other than maybe liking somebody's post too much that they now have me on a watch list and if I use the wrong language they will not post it. if you listen and watch toward the end of the video you will see me typing try to use voice talk to text and Facebook will not allow it yet it always did before and then they don't publish my comment. I want you to watch this all of you lefties all of you Democrats all of you freedom of speech deniers I want you to watch this! you will see in real time because I've used foul language? get the fuck over it if you don't like it don't leave the house! we don't need none of your pussies on the street. so get over it and I'm going to get over it I'm unsubscribing from fuckbook! do you seriously think I'm going to give you a third opportunity do I look like a fucking moron do I look like I want to ran my head through a brick wall? are you really that mother fucking stupid I'm going to take this shit from my social media company who can suck my cock and I don't even have one? come here Mark let me show you what a real woman is. I'd fuck your brains out but I don't do men with less than a 4-in dick

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