Special guest Brandee Ritsema navigating the probate guardianship and CPS nightmare

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The Probate Trap interviews Brandee Ritsema, Grand Rapids, Michigan
In 2000, my mother fell off a horse leaving her in a coma for seven years.
When she woke, she was paralyzed and brain-injured. For 25 years,
I navigated the probate system, learned the law, and fought back against
corruption. I successfully had the facility charged twice for abuse and neglect. In
retaliation they worked to criminalize me, as advocacy grew, so did
the resistance against me. My children are now entangled in the family
court system. I’m being denied my parental and constitutional rights.
20 Years of CPS harassment and court-ordered injustice EXPOSED.
The fight continues. I refuse to be silenced.
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