Celestial Peace & Unity Anchored

10 days ago

From the home base FREQUENCY of ALL-Conditional LOVE for ALL as ONE, we harmonize from within so as without from and through the UNIFIED HEART FIELD.

Todays' new day transmission is ALL about continuing the anchoring of PEACE & UNITY, JOY & BLISS --- across the ALL --- in ALL spaces, locations, thymes, and no thymes, seen and unseen, known and unknown --- ALL at ONCE because that's the way it is. We are ONE.

May we remember who we are, where we come from, and why we are here. FREEDOM, JOY, BLISS, ECSTASY, ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY, TRUTH and so much LOVE!!!

We are so very grateful. Thank you for tuning in. Feel free to like and subscribe.

Thank you to the music and the artists.

Shannon Renée

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