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Prophet Julie Green - Countries Are Coming Together To Try To Attack This Nation - Captions
Prophet Julie Green begins by expressing gratitude for the viewers and emphasizes the importance of finding strength and peace in God, especially during challenging times. Recalling a recent divine message, Julie advises everyone to 'weather the storm,' which means successfully navigating through difficult situations with resilience. The notion is reinforced with Biblical scriptures, stressing the importance of faith, peace, and the power of God. Julie references the impending intensification of global challenges, including political and financial collapses, but reassures that God's protection and guidance will prevail. Several Biblical texts are cited to inspire confidence and peace among believers, reminding them of God's historical deliverances and His everlasting covenant. Julie concludes with a prophetic word warning of international threats and emphasizing divine intervention and judgment. The talk wraps up with a prayer for strength, peace, and guidance during these turbulent times.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on Jan. 15, 2025 and may be watched here: 👉
Weathering the Storm and Strengthening Faith: Encouraging Scriptures and Prophetic Message
In today's live show dated Wednesday, January 15th, 2025, we delve into profound insights and divine messages. We reflect on the Lord's command to be on high alert and weather the storm, emphasizing resilience, faith, and the power of God's word. The show explores the significance of navigating through challenging times with scriptures like John 14:27 and Psalm 27:3, reminding us of God's promise of peace and protection. Additionally, we discuss prophecies about imminent global changes, governmental collapses, and divine judgments against evil. Key figures and entities like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and BlackRock are mentioned as part of a larger narrative of spiritual warfare and redemption. The audience is encouraged to hold steadfast to God's promises, remain vigilant, and trust in His ultimate plan for deliverance and restoration.
00:00 Introduction and Opening Prayer
00:19 Weathering the Storm: A Divine Message
03:36 Understanding God's Peace
05:06 Confidence in God's Protection
15:31 Prophetic Word: Nations and Judgments
24:16 God's Promises and Protection
41:40 Inquiring of the Lord: Lessons from David
42:24 God's Promises and Our Assumptions
43:11 The Importance of Seeking God
44:50 Warnings and Prophecies
46:01 God's Intervention and Judgment
48:39 The Role of Elections and God's Sovereignty
52:24 Financial Systems and Corruption
01:02:03 The Fall of the Giants
01:09:05 The Winds of Change and God's Glory
01:10:44 Closing Prayer and Encouragement
Video Information:
MUSIC: First Song - Beneath The Stars by Joshua Spacht
Second Song - We Have No More To Say by Joshua Spacht
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
Jan. 15, 2025-Countries Are Coming Together To Try To Attack This Nation
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
Ps. 27:3
Heb. 13:8
Deut. 7:9
God is saying to weather the storm.
Weather the storm: to deal with a difficult situation without being harmed or damaged too much. Successfully navigating.
God is telling you that you'll be in this challenging situation, but you will not be harmed and will be able to endure it.
God is your Prince of Peace and the peace that He gives is not like what the world will give to you.
Be confident in knowing that God is with you and He will protect you.
God is your perfect peace, your provider, your victory, your refuge. He is everything you need. Get to know all His characteristics.
God is not only able to deliver you, but He will.
God is a faithful God and He will do whatever He says in His Word.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 91:1
Ps. 102:12
Ps. 103:19
Ps. 105:5, 7-8
Ps. 106:7-8
Ex. 15:6-7, 11
2 Sam.5:19
2 Kings17:39
God's people need to take seriously Who God is and what He has done.
God needs you to be on high alert, batten down the hatches and to weather the storm. He has given you the ability to do all these things.
Stay in the Word of God and stay in His presence.
God is your refuge-your safe place.
God takes earnestly the covenant He has with His children.
Keep that Firm Focused Foundation on the Father.
God is going to make known His Glory over the Pharaohs of today.
Inquire (seek) of the Lord. Ask Him what He wants you to do.
Your enemies want to deceive, distract, and destroy. Have your heart steadfast on God.
Prayer Scriptures:
John 17:16
Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, January 15th of 2025. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today. And what we always want to say each and every day that this is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Now yesterday or I think it was yesterday or it was Monday when the Lord said, be on high alert.
I think, yeah, it was Monday. God told us to be on high alert. And then as I was on the prayer call with our prayer team yesterday, this is another thing that the Lord gave me to give to you. And he was saying, weather the storm. To weather the storm. And I wanted to look that up. Because again, a lot of us know these phrases, but let's look it up.
What is God really saying to us right now? Weather or weathering the storm is to successfully navigate through a difficult or challenging situation without being significantly harmed or damaged. Essentially, coming out on the other side of a tough period, it implies resilience and the ability to endure hardship.
And last week, remember, he was talking to us about batting down the hatches. He's saying a storm was going to pass over us because a storm was hitting our enemies. But now he's telling us to weather the storm. Because a storm is going to intensify, not only in this nation, but in nations around the world, because governments are going to collapse.
Entities, things that have been holding back God's people, things have been holding back the glory of God, the power of God, the system that God wants upon this earth for his people and for the people all around the world. There has to be something that is going to shake it. And there's also something I remember when he was telling me that we need to weather the storm.
And again, that's successfully navigating through a difficult, challenging situation. So he's saying that we're going to weather the storm. That means we're going to come out of this storm unscathed. That means we're going to come out successfully. That means we're going to come out even stronger than we were before we were in.
That storm or we had to batten down the hatches or hunker down while the storm is passing by either way god is telling us that we'll be in this challenging situation, but without being significantly harmed or damaged essentially coming out on the other side Of a tough period it implies resilience and the ability to endure hardship God is our strength.
He gives us the ability to endure Hardships and just like the land of goshen. He's telling us even though there might be a hardship Even though there might be a storm all these judgments that are going to hit and i'm telling you we're at that Precipice or we're at that door where things are going to dramatically quickly change.
I don't think it's going to take, you know, months. It's something that is going to be unprecedented and it'll happen very quickly. But it's nothing to be afraid of. I want to give you some encouraging scriptures this morning. Go to John 14, 27. John 14, 27. It says, Peace I leave with you. My own peace I now give and bequeath to you.
Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Neither let them be afraid. Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed. And do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. God is our Prince of Peace. And he's telling us a peace that he's given to us is not the same peace that the world gives to you.
This is unlimited. Peace. So when there is a storm blowing by, when he's telling us to batten down the hatches, He's telling us to be on high alert. He's telling us we're going to weather the storm. That means we're gonna come out successfully on the other side. He's saying, peace, I leave with you. And God wants you to receive the peace that he has for you.
Receive him because he is The prince of peace. Let's go to another scripture. Let's go to psalm 27 in verse 3 though a host Encamp against me my heart shall not fear though war rise against me Even then, in this, will I be confident. So even though you have a host and enemies that are encamped around you, that are trying to surround you.
Right here it says, my heart shall not fear. This is David. My heart shall not fear. The war rise against me even then. So it was a matter of if war was rising against him, he was saying, even in this, I will be confident. Confident in what? The Prince of Peace. Confident that God was his refuge. Confident that God was his fortress.
Confident that God was his high tower. Confident that God was his deliverer. Confident that God would save him. This is where God's people have to be. This is why he's giving us this revelation of who he is and how he's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that his word stands forever. Because just like yesterday, I think it was, when he was talking to us about earnestly or taking seriously.
That God still is The Great I Am. He still does those miracle signs and wonders. That He still cuts the enemies off. That He still destroys them while He's protecting His people. He has to let the world know that He is still alive and not dead. Go to John 16, 33. One of my favorite scriptures, you guys all know this.
John 16, 33. And I've told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace. So here's again, He's talking about peace. Peace. In God, we have perfect peace and confidence. If you have peace, you're also confident of what God's going to do for you. In the world, you have tribulation. Now, that's not talking about the Great Tribulation.
That's just talking about tribulation and the turbulent times that sometimes people endure. In the world, you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration. But, It's a conjunction. He's not done talking. And so people and this, or we're just going on this about our, our prayer call the other day, people always relate.
to the tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration. They relate to that. They take ownership of that. But God says, don't take ownership of that. That's what Satan's trying to do to you. But in this last part, but, take ownership of what Jesus has already done and receive what he's done. But be of good cheer.
Take courage. Be confident. And certain undaunted for I have overcome the world I deprived it of his power to harm you and I have conquered it for you Many christians need to read these scriptures. I need to know the revelation that even though God said you're in this world It's not without frustration.
It's not without distress. It's not without tribulation in your life, but We can have peace and we can have confidence You Knowing who God is, and that God will save us from it, that God will deliver us, that God will restore, that God will heal, that God will provide. If you know Him, who He really is, then you will have, you'll be able to keep your peace.
And you'll be able to remain at rest. But a lot of people don't keep their peace and they don't remain at rest because they don't have confidence in who God is because of now a lot of people have been introduced. to God as El Shaddai, the God whom nothing is impossible. They haven't been introduced to the God who is our perfect peace.
He is our perfect peace. He is our Lord. He's our Savior. He's our provider, Jehovah Jireh. He is our Jehovah Rapha. He is our healer. He is our God. The Most High God. He's El Elyon. He's also Jehovah Nissi. He's our victory. So if you don't know the characteristics of God, and if you don't know who He really is, then how are you gonna have peace?
Or confidence when you are literally in the midst of a devastating storm in your life. And I've been through many, but I've also weathered those storms. Why? Because I did have confidence in Almighty God. If I didn't have confidence in Almighty God, and if He didn't give me that peace, I know that I would not be here today.
So if we can sit there and hold on to God, no matter how hard that wind is blowing, no matter how hard those waves are trying to crash into yourself or into your home or into your family or whatever that that storm is trying to hit. If we just have confidence knowing that God is not only able Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego yesterday.
Not only is God able to deliver us, but we should have that confidence and peace knowing that He will. Get rid of that question mark. Will God deliver? Will God heal? Will God restore? Will God bring our nation back to where we know it should be or bring our nation to a better nation than it what, than it was before?
We should know which God has promised us that he saves nations in a day. And so when we have that confidence, then we can have that peace that we can keep, that we know that God can, he has the ability, but we can get rid of that question mark. Will God do what he said in his word he will do? Get the scriptures and find out.
God, where are the scriptures where it says that you are faithful to perform your word? Where does it say that you keep your covenant to a thousand generations? All those things that God promises. Go do an in depth study. I promise you, you will come out with peace and confidence. Do an in depth study on the promises of God, the covenant of God, the covenants that he gave his people and the covenant that we have with him now, which is a blood covenant because of Jesus Christ.
So do an in depth study on that, of how many promises God has and how faithful he is. How many times in the Bible does he say he's faithful? It's several. And how many times does he have to prove it? We have to earnestly remind ourselves, and remember, or take seriously, that God is. A faithful God and he will do whatever he said in his word He will do just like when that leper came up to jesus and he said I know you can heal me I heard of all these miracles all these signs.
I heard all these wonders I just don't know if you will in one of the most beautiful Parts of the scripture when jesus was dealing with people he placed his hand on him now leper You couldn't be within so many feet of them kind of remind me of covet How people were so far away and you had to be social distancing.
That's how it was back in the day when it came to lepers. You had to social distance yourself from them, but Jesus proved the power that were residing inside of him the power He had he didn't have to social distance and he could touch somebody that had an infectious disease like that and it was not going to touch him and Jesus placed his hand on him and said I Will so it wasn't just a fact that Jesus spoke those words Jesus proved it by touching him and said I will And you can see in the scriptures that he received his healing.
That leperous man received his healing. That's why faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. So if you don't have that peace and have confidence that God is going to get us through all these things that we're facing. Then go read the scriptures, how God did deliver, how God did save his people from judgment, how God, he did save and deliver his people from these empires that were trying to destroy them.
Get your faith, and your confidence, and your peace, knowing that God is able, and God will do it. Well, hope that part encouraged you this morning. Alright, now, Here is a prophetic word and it's really important and I you guys know I have to say this again It's really important to give that encouragement.
I hope that people when they're re watching it do not Just skip over the encouraging part of it because the lord has had me change the live shows Because too many people are just hearing these prophetic words and they're not taking the scriptures And then they need that encouragement because it's great to hear prophetic word But if you don't trust in that word, and if you don't get the revelation from that word that word's not going to do you any good That's why he has me change it where I do this mini teaching in the beginning to encourage each and every one of you who God is and what he promises in a word He will do and how awesome he is how good he is because he is an absolutely good God.
Okay. So this prophetic word I'm going to give to you this morning is from January 9th from January 9th - Countries are Coming Together to Try to Attack This Nation. So God is warning us, countries are coming together to try to attack this nation. My children, I Am warning you of this time, where your enemies are causing distractions to overwhelm you, causing damage to destroy your hope that you may have left of anything good taking place.
This time your enemies are picking up the pace, before they fall on their face. There will be much devastation, destruction, and mayhem. And people don't know what to do. Your enemies are picking up their fear tactics in every way to paralyze you from moving forward. I have repeatedly told you that an election would not be
what saves this nation. It is Me, The Great I Am. It is My hand moving across your land to cleanse it of the evil trying to take you out. The establishment with their foreign enemies and their militia - they are preparing to cause riots in the streets, uprisings, and of course, to bring terror on a scale they have never performed before in this nation, and Israel.
As your enemies pick up the intensity against you, I will pick it up against them.
What you will see hits your enemies at all the slum lords, in your capital that don't belong will be unprecedented and how they are removed. Countries are planning to come together and attack this nation and destroy it for good. But they, those same countries, China, Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, Turkey, Venezuela, and many other Middle Eastern nations, that have their infiltrators here to attack and terrorize this country
and Israel, will themselves be destroyed. The judgments I will pour out will soon plague many nations because my children, if I did not intervene, they would have brought in world war three and their global reset of everything they could control.
You will see collapse of businesses. financial systems of governments and every entity that is against you and against this nation. My children, I Am raining down judgment and it will be unprecedented. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab; these billionaire giants and many others just like them will fall like Goliath fell. Their wealth and their power
they have to use a weaponize and fund the Establishment will fall with the system that gave them their power and their money.
My children many people, corporations, governments, and banks that seem to be too big to fail will all fall before you with no one that will bail them out.
Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street will all collapse. As I Am moving my hand, I will show you who is all a part of them. The businesses and corporations that have controlled so much around the world with their Monopoly and Ponzi scheme. You will soon realize how much these three businesses were funding the establishment and how many in your government were part of them or owned by them.
There is secret money your leaders are hiding in Washington that pays them to make the decisions that are passed in D. C.
A great shaking is coming to the financial system that will crush your enemies in unconventional ways. The world will know soon, none of these men, their system, businesses, and governments; they're nothing compared to me. I Am moving my hand to move them all out of the way, and I will have the final say.
My children, the storm is upon your enemies. The wind is picking up, the waves are growing, and the destruction that it will bring will be catastrophic to your enemy's system and governments. It's all coming to a destructive place. Brace for this unprecedented impact of judgment that's about to strike your enemies to free you from their death grip.
The time has come for unusual to take place. Get out of your comfort zones. My children stop relying on your old ways and yourselves. It is time for The Great I Am to show the world that I Am still alive. And I Am still the Most High God. The winds of change are here to change the nations, to change systems, and to bring in my glory, says the Lord of Hosts.
This is the reason why God's people have to take seriously, earnestly remembering who God is and what he's done before. Because when you see the unconventional, you know. Or when you see the unprecedented, that's when people faint, that's when people give up, that's when they quit, that's when they give in.
And that's not something that we are supposed to do because God told us never surrender. He told us to hold that line. He told us to, what was he saying the other day? To be on high alert. If we'd have the ability to be on high alert, to batten down the hatches, or to weather the storm, he would never warn us to do these things if he hasn't already given us the ability to do it.
We have to know and be confident and have that peace knowing who God is. For when a storm hits, and you see financial things collapse, and you see businesses collapse, you see all these things that were built up against us, that we're used to, that was part of our normal existence, it will cause people to grow in fear, it will cause people to panic.
That's the reason why we have to stay in the Word of God, and we have to stay in His presence. I tell you a lot. Don't take my word for it. Read these scriptures. Get the revelation for yourself and see what God is revealing to you. Because there's even sometimes with certain prophecies, they'll say, well, that was wrong.
So now you're automatically false or that didn't come to pass that way. So now there's a question of who you are. No, God is telling you not to reason it out because things are not how they appear to be. And until this entire shift of things, things are going to look one way when they're actually another.
But I've seen it. We've had to pray for people because they can get stuck on one thing But they don't see the rest of all these other things that God is doing. That's how Satan can confuse and that's how he gets people to turn away from God and what God is saying and Heeding these warnings that he's given to us.
Let's go to our first scriptures today So if we know that we're supposed to weather this storm One of the first scriptures I'm gonna give to you today is Psalm 91 and verse one, Psalm 91 and verse one. Read. Read all of Psalm 91. 'cause all of Psalm 91 is so vitally important on how we are protected. No matter what's thousand May fought one side and 10,000 at another.
But it won't come near us. Psalm 91 verse 1, and this is going to be out of the classic amplified version. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High. Shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand. So he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable.
How do we get in the secret place of the Most High? How do we have that peace? How do we have that confidence? Getting into the Word of God. Praying, standing on the Word of God. Seeking Him, who He is. Remember, He is our safe place. And it says, you're stable and fixed. That means you're not going to be tossed to and fro.
And you're not going to be being, well, sinking like quicksand. You're going to be steadfast and firm. Under the shadow of Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand. Satan can't withstand the power of Almighty God. So when you're seeing all these things happen, remind yourself, you are in the shadow of the Most High God.
God lives on the inside of you. He surrounds you. He protects you. No folk can withstand that power. Okay, let's go to Deuteronomy 33 and 27. Deuteronomy 33 and 27. The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He drove the enemy before you and thrust them out, saying, Destroy.
So right here again, The Eternal God is your refuge. He's your safe place. And underneath are His everlasting arms. Remember, God says when He moves His arm or He moves His hand across our land, what is He going to do? He's going to destroy the enemy while He's protecting us. He drove the enemy. Before you and thrust them out.
He cuts them off. He destroys them. He weakens them. He shatters them He annihilates them. How many scriptures do we need to read to give us that confidence that god Does avenge his people? That's why he says vengeance is mine. Let's go to Psalm 102 and verse 12. But you, O Lord, are enthroned forever, and the fame of your name endures to all generations.
Now look at how much that's unpacked right there. He's enthroned forever. God is the king of kings and the Lord of lords. No one's going to dethrone God. The enemies of Almighty God try, they try to kick him out of the earth that he created, but he's in throne, he's in throne forever. No one is going to kick God out.
And, and the fame of your name endures to all generations. That means we are part of all, because all means all. And the fame of his name, that's what he keeps saying in the last four years. He said, the world's gonna know me of who I really am, The Great I Am. Not a version of me, but who I truly am. And the reason why he's going to do this is because he's going to show the world how he avenges his people at the same time he protects them.
He says to all generations, we are a part of that. But a lot of people think, oh, that's just old stuff that's passed away. Where does it say that God, protecting his people, passed away? Where does it, God says, oh, vengeance is not mine anymore. I don't do those things anymore. He doesn't say it. He said, yes, old things pass away.
But not what God, God's promises don't. That's not what he was saying. But people have taken it out of context and said that. God doesn't heal anymore for today. Healing's not for today. Who says? I say healing all the time. Healing is for today because God is Jehovah Rapha. He's for today. Let's keep reading.
Psalm 81 verse 13 and 14. Oh that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways. Verse 14. Speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries. Why does God need us to listen to him and obey him? Because my people would listen. Then, if we are listening to him, we're going to walk in his ways, and if that we are listening, walking his ways, then he speedily would subdue our enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries.
That's why it's important to heed or to obey and to listen to the Word of God. Now let's go to Psalm 103 in verse 19. Psalm 103 in verse 19. The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. Now right now we have enemies that are all over the place and they think their system rules over all.
They think their governments rule over all. Well, I hate to burst. Yes. I do. I actually enjoy bursting their bubble but right here it says God's kingdom rules over all their bubbles need to be burst they need to burst because they're so Arrogant and prideful and we know a haughty spirit and pride comes before a fall.
They're going to fall Let's go to psalm 105 and verse 5
Earnestly, take seriously, remember the marvelous deeds that he has done. His miracles and wonders, the judgments and sentences, which he pronounced upon his enemies, as in Egypt. God is telling us, he told his children back then, you take seriously. The deeds, the judgments, all of the plagues that happened, all the marvelous things that I did for you, take seriously His miracles and wonders, the judgments and the sentences which He pronounced upon His enemies as in Egypt.
That word didn't change. Those scriptures are still for now. Why? Why are we supposed to take seriously those marvelous deeds and His miracles and signs and wonders? That way, when we're going through similar things, we can have that peace and we can have that confidence and we can have that insurance. In God.
Let's go to Psalm 1 0 5 in verse seven and eight.
He is the Lord our God. His judgments are in all the earth. So here's a scripture that backs up that God's judgments are gonna hit the earth because it says His judgments are in all the earth. Verse eight, here's that word again. He's earnestly, so God is taking seriously. Mindful of his covenant forever.
It is imprinted on his heart. The word which he has commanded and established to a thousand generations. So here's another one where it talks about how he takes seriously. That means his word endures forever. He takes seriously his covenant that he has with us that will stand forever and it's imprinted in his heart.
He's not going to go back on his promises. He's not going to go back on his covenant and The word which he commanded, God's commanded, let my people go. So they may freely serve me. That word is still going on today. And it says, and established to a thousand generations. So here's another scripture that's talking about how we are included in these promises, these miracles, these signs, these wonders.
And God takes earnestly his covenant that he has with us. But a lot of times God's people don't earnestly remember the covenant promises of Almighty God. So then they don't endure the storm, they don't weather it, they don't batten down the hatches, and they don't stay on high alert. They get swept away by the storm.
That's why it's so important to have that firm, focused foundation. on the father that God has been telling us to have for a very, very long time now. Let's go to Psalm 106, verse 7 and 8. Psalm 106, verse 7 and 8. Our fathers in Egypt, now this is talking about when they were in the land of Goshen, understood not, nor appreciated your miracles.
They not earnestly remember the multitude of your mercies, nor imprint your loving kindness on their hearts, but they were rebellious. And provoked the Lord at the sea, even at the Red Sea. So he wanted me to read this again because look what it's saying. They don't appreciate God's miracles. How many people don't appreciate God's miracles now?
Because again, they don't think He does them anymore. So they don't appreciate them. And he said they did not earnestly remember the multitude of your mercy and your imprint of your loving kindness on their hearts. They forgot the love of God. They forgot the promises of God. They forgot His miracles, the signs, and the wonders.
They forgot His promises. They forgot His covenant that He had with them. They didn't take it seriously. And too many times, God's people are doing the same thing right now. Let's go to verse 8. Psalm 106, verse 8. Nevertheless, He saved them, so despite their attitude, He saved them anyway, for His namesake, to prove the righteousness of the divine character, that He might make His mighty power known.
God is going to do it, not because we deserve it, only reason why we deserve anything is because of what Jesus did already for us because He sacrificed for us, but look, that He might make His mighty power known. God is letting his mighty power known to his enemies that he's still the most high God. He's still El Elyon.
He's still El Shaddai? He's still the God who, nothing is impossible. He's also showing he might make his mighty power known. He's still making that known to his people because his people have forgotten because the enemy got into the churches. Let's go to Exodus 14 verse 18. Exodus 14 verse 18 and 19.
The Egyptians shall know and realize that I Am the Lord when I have gained honor and glory over Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen. Stop. God had to make his mighty power known. We just read that in Psalm 106. Why is he making his mighty power known? He's making it known to Pharaoh and his men. He's making it known to his people.
That they may realize and know, I Am the Lord, when I have gained honor and glory over Pharaoh. God is gonna make sure, he's gonna make known that his glory over the Pharaohs of today. This, this implies to what we're seeing today. Verse 19, And the angel of God, who went before the host of Israel, Moved and went behind them and the pillar of the cloud went from before them and stood behind them The reason why he wanted me to read this scripture right here the angel of God who went before the host of Israel God was showing his mighty power that he was supposed to show Against his enemies and it for his people to protect them He showed his mighty power by this angel the host and it stood between the host The Egyptians and between God's people.
God will be the stand between. He will show his mighty power against the enemies of Almighty God. At the same time, he's protecting his children. He's a, he's a go between. He saves us. He protects us. He shields us. He's that fortress. He goes before us. And if he goes before us, who can be against us? If he goes before us, enemies come out against us one way, but they will flee before us seven ways.
You Let's go to verse 20. Exodus 14 and verse 20
and he may not have that so I will hold on. Let me turn to it.
And it says in verse 20 coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel It was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians. So it looked one way to the Egyptians. It looked like a dark Then but it gave light to it gave light by night to the Israelites and none and one host did not come near the other all night long.
So the host made it look dark to the Egyptians. So God was standing in between the enemies of Almighty God and his people. It looked like darkness to the enemies of Almighty God, but it was light to God's people. That's the difference. God will be this in between. And he'll place judgment and darkness against the enemies while he's protecting his people giving him light and receive his glory Now let's go to Exodus 15 and verse 6.
It's it's really important to know this What God's people finally figure out some of them and they did earnestly remember it They did take it seriously now some of them forgot earnestly your right hand Oh Lord is glorious and power your right hand Oh Lord shatters the enemy That's what we're gonna see is God's hand Shatter the enemy in verse 7 in the greatness of your majesty you overthrow those who rising against you You send forth your fury and it consumes them like a stubble it shows the scripture is like illustrating the power of Almighty God with your fury or vengeance It consumes them like a stubble, or in other words, it brings them to nothing.
So let's go to verse 11, Exodus 15 and verse 12. And this one says who is like you? Oh Lord, among the gods who is like you, glorious and holiness awesome. And spun her doing wonders. So they're realizing who is like God exes 15, 11. Who is like you God, who is like you with its mighty Warners and power?
Who is like you? There's no one like him. That's why we have to get that revelation. There's no one like God. Let's go to 2nd Samuel 5 and verse 19 2nd Samuel 5 verse 19 It said David inquired of the Lord saying shall I go against the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hand? So now that question, I know you can't deliver them into my hand, but will you?
David, there's so many different instances in the Bible where David inquired of the Lord. That's why we're supposed to inquire of the Lord. Okay, God, what do you want me to do? What do you want me to say? Where do you want me to go? How do you want me to handle this? We're supposed to inquire ourselves.
We're supposed to inquire the Lord. David inquired of the Lord. We're not supposed to inquire of ourselves and go, okay, I'm just gonna figure this out on my own. We're supposed to inquire the Lord. What do you want me to do? He said, will you deliver them into my hand? I know you can deliver them, but will you deliver them into my hand?
And the Lord said, so when you inquire the Lord or you're asking, you're seeking God, He's going to answer you. And the Lord said, To David, go up, for I will surely deliver them into your hand. That's what God's saying to us. He will surely deliver the enemy into our hand. But if you don't inquire the Lord and ask Him these questions, then you're not going to have that answer.
But a lot of people just assume God doesn't do those things anymore. I wouldn't do it for me. God's not going to do it against these people because He doesn't care who's in charge. They're assuming. They're not inquiring. Okay, Lord, this is what this prophet said. Well, this is what this teacher said. This is what this pastor said.
This is what this, what am I supposed to do, Lord? What am I supposed to believe? God is telling us that He is going to deliver the enemies into our hands. That's what we should know. God can do it. And most people don't have that question. They know God has the ability. They just don't know if God will.
Okay? Last scripture for today. 2 Kings 17 and verse 39. 2 Kings 17 and verse 39. But the Lord your God You shall Ruggerantly fear and that's not means being afraid of that means respecting then He will deliver you out of the hands of your enemy So if you're acquiring of God if you're seeking God if you're making him the first priority in your life.
If you're not just trying to figure out everything on your own, if you're asking God, I know you can, but I thank you, Father God, I know you can, and I know you will. I thank you for delivering the enemies in my hands, and I thank you, Father God, you are delivering me out of the hands of my enemies. I thank you, because your word says in Isaiah 54 or 17, No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
You see the difference in a child of God leaning on themselves or leaning on someone else. You He said something in this prophecy that I'm going to go back over that people really need to hear. And that's that part where he said, I told you an election was not going to save you. But many people stopped inquiring of the Lord after the election, stopped asking Him what to do because they believed election was going to save this nation.
When he said over and over and over and over for like a year and a half or two years, I think it's been over two years now, he said an election is not going to save you. I Am. So we have to realize we are not at this point where an election, okay, election saved us. Now we can move on. That's not what he said.
We have to pray that we don't forget it. We have to earnestly remember that it is God. Now, will he use people? Yes, he can use people, but it is God that should get the glory for it. Not a man.
Or group of people or anything else. It has to be God. Now, the first paragraph, my children, I Am warning you of this time where your enemies are causing distractions to overwhelm you, causing damage to destroy you, and hope, or destroy the hope that you may have left of anything good taking place. So right now they're trying to deceive, distract, so they can destroy those three Ds that God's been warning us about for about four or five years, four years now.
Deceive, distract, destroy. And if they can deceive you and distract you and you're paying attention over here and you're not paying attention to what they're doing over here, they can destroy you. And they're trying to destroy your hope, your confidence, your peace, your faith, your joy with these distractions.
That's why we have to have our hearts steadfast on God. This time your enemies are picking up the pace. Again, shaking is intensifying. Before they fall on their face, There will be so much devastation, destruction, and mayhem. People won't know what to do. The people who are not seeking God, who are not looking for Him, who turn their back on God, or don't have anything to do with God, and they're atheists.
We're praying for them. They're people that need right now. And again, God gave this revelation a long time ago during the COVID days. And I know I've shared it with you guys before, but he wants me to share it again. COVID did not wake up the whole entire world. COVID woke up people that didn't wake up everyone.
What is it going to take to wake up the majority of people or more than what happened in 2020? There has to be something that is that will get the world's attention. God said shock and awe. He keeps using the word unprecedented, unconventional. So he's going to get the world's attention. I've repeatedly told you that an election would not be what?
Saves this nation. It is me, The Great I Am. It is my hand moving across your land to cleanse it of the evil Trying to take you out. People are giving up and saying, okay, we won the election. It's over. They're not done. They're not going down without a fight.
The establishment, with their foreign enemies and their militia, they're preparing to cause riots in the streets, uprisings, and of course, to bring terror on a scale. They have never accomplished before in this nation and Israel as your enemies pick up this intensity against you I will pick it up against them That means even though they're gonna pick up the intensity doesn't mean they're gonna be successful in their endeavors God actually says they weren't gonna be successful We can't stop them from trying to do these things But when we're praying and standing against them, we can stop the effects of the evil Of it.
We can't stop at all. Just like with, you know, what happened with us New Orleans. We couldn't stop it fully, but just think, that man, even though he, what, killed 15 and injured 30, which is heinous and evil and horrible, that same person had a plan to do something to the Sugar Bowl with 80, 000 people. So he got some of his plan, but he did not get and was not successful on all he was set out to accomplish.
That's what God is saying. You are going to see things. That's why God continues to warn.
Now, again, as your enemies pick up the intensity against you, I will pick up the intensity against them. Now, of course, we know, I just read you the scriptures. God's power no foe can withstand. And it shatters, God's power will shatter the enemy.
Now, I have to say, when I heard this prophetic word, I did laugh. And I laughed as I dictated it again this morning on the computer. He has a sense of humor. That's where, you know, humor comes from. It comes from God, obviously. Because the joy of the Lord is our strength, but he says what you will see hit your enemies and all the slum lords In your capital.
Okay. I gotta look up the definition of this before I go on. He's he calls them slum lords I think it's hilarious.
So slum lords Let's see a person who rents out houses apartments that are in poor areas and in poor conditions often charging unfairly high rate or high rent Hmm. He's calling them slumlords. In your capital that don't belong will be unprecedented in the removals and how they are removed. So, I'm gonna read that again.
What you will see hit your enemies and all the slumlords in your capital that don't belong will be unprecedented on how they are removed. So these people don't belong where they are. And something that is very well, scriptural because God said he was destroying the system. Do you remember that God has been giving out and we'll probably do a prophecy fulfilled video on this the more it gets closer to all of this.
But I want to mention this right now. Remember God said he was going to destroy the IRS. He was going to bring it down, the, the, Federal Reserve, anything, any symptom sy sy system or entity that was against you. One of the things that, not totally bringing down our tax system, we're still going to have taxes in this country, but he was changing it.
President Trump just came out with something. And I don't remember exactly my team actually shared it. Last night on what he calls it. Here it is far too long We have relied on taxing our great people using the Internal revenue service, which is the irs though through soft and pathetically weak trade agreements The American economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the world while taxing ourselves.
This is President Trump. He truths this out. It said, it is time for that to change. I Am today announcing I will create the external revenue service to collect our tariffs, duties, and all revenue that came from, that comes from foreign sources. We'll begin charging those that make money off of us with trade.
They will start paying finally their fair share. January 20th 2025 will be the birth date of an external revenue service. Make America Great Again. So what, what President Trump is saying, he's going to change how we are taxed. He's going to change It's not going to be all in the backs of God's people and in the backs of the United States citizens.
It's going to be on the backs of the people who we're giving all this money to, who are getting rich off us, while they are breaking the American people. God's been saying this prophetically for years. Just think of the tax rate right now, and what did God say? Why did he say our tax system was going to change?
He reminded us of the part of the greater exodus because Pharaoh taxed God's people into his slavery. We were taxed into his slavery. That's why that governmental system Again, I think when we first started out as a country, we had a flat tax of like 14 percent. Can you imagine if you were only paying 14 percent?
Can you imagine that right now? Think of all the money you could be putting in your pocket at 14 percent when most people are like in the 30s. The 30th percentile or more and then you gotta think and then there was somebody who did a Who did a research on how many times a one dollar bill is taxed?
It's insane. It's insane. God is using President Trump, yes, and that's why we're supposed to be protecting him and praying over that God protects him. We protect him by praying over him for God's protection. But he wants to bring an external revenue system. Not the internal, an external. Make other people pay their fair share.
Everyone says, you know, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. They don't think about, why are we taxing these foreign people, these foreign governments that are making money off the backs of God's people, the backs of the American citizens. Our taxes have been going for murder and slaughter of innocent people all throughout the world.
We're giving billions of dollars to Ukraine, billions of dollars to all these different places. Why aren't we giving billions of Again, another slap in the face. The government, the Biden, gave 770 to people in California. What the crap is that supposed to do?
What's that supposed to do? When you lost a hundred some thousand dollar house, or two hundred some thousand dollar house, or, because taxes are so ridiculous in California, and there's so much inflation in California, millions of dollar house. What is 770 gonna do to anybody? But you're gonna give Ukraine billions while you give people in this country who pay that money that goes over to Ukraine, you're giving them scraps.
Why do you think they try to do everything to shut up the American people who want the things for us in this country, who want to make America first? Not the fact that we're not gonna help anybody else. But how are we going to keep hurting ourselves and then continuously helping other people? You can't.
So again, prophecy is coming to pass, and it's going to come to pass in unconventional ways. We cannot even think about it, how it's going to happen. I don't know. God's going to do it. But he's going to get rid of the slumlords in DC who brought all this taxation. Remember, God said, was it tax representation without taxation or taxation without representation?
You guys, you guys will correct me. I know it. I think it's taxation without representation. He said that was going to be back in the news for a reason. So, again, there's a lot of things that are going to happen that are going to change, fundamentally change, this country back to where it was supposed to be from the beginning.
Alright, let's keep going. Countries are planning to come together and attack this nation and destroy it for good. But those same countries, so you're going to see countries that are here right now. They were let through and through our stupid open border. I cannot believe people fell for that crap. And they let people, all these people in.
Yes, I'm mad about it because there's so many people have died because of drugs that came over in this country because of sex trafficking Because of the rapists the terrorists that were allowed in this country and those slumlords in our capital Just sat there and said open border Let them all in why a house divided against itself cannot stand and they're trying to they couldn't attack us just from the outside They gotta attack us internally and they cause all these distractions Keep praying for those people in North Carolina.
Keep praying for those people in Tennessee and Georgia and Florida that were affected by those hurricanes. Pray for those people in California that are affected by this horrible, horrific wildfires that we are finding out more and more every day that were set on purpose. There's illegal aliens set some of those fires, were arrested, and were let go the same exact day.
This illegal alien had a blowtorch in his hand, lighting fires, and those slumlords and that government. in the state of California. These people, let them go. Why? Because they want to cause chaos, they want to cause mayhem, they want to cause destructions, and they want to cause destruction.
Countries are planning to come together and attack this nation and destroy it for good. But those same countries, China, Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, were giving them billions of dollars but apparently they've sent people here. Probably not very many, but there's still people here. Turkey, Venezuela, and any Middle Eastern nation that has their infiltrators here to attack and terrorize this country or Israel will themselves be destroyed.
Anybody who they have here, suicide, you know, terrorists, bombers, everything else like that, these governments sent here, you reap what you sow. You reap what you sow. That's another scripture that I'll give out again to you. I have it written down. It's a really powerful scripture. It's not just about reap what you sow, but also David was crying out.
Those people are doing all these horrible deeds. Let it be done unto them. So it's just another form of reap what you sow. I thought I wrote it down, but I have it down somewhere. All right, the judgments I will pour out will soon plague many nations because my children, if I did not intervene, God had to intervene.
Why does he have to intervene? He's telling you why he has to intervene and it can't be business as usual. They would have brought in World War III You And their global reset of everything that they could control. That's why he has to step in. That's why he has to intervene. You will see collapse of businesses, financial systems, of governments, and of governments, of every entity that's against you and against this nation.
My children, I Am raining down judgment and it will be unprecedented. So you're going to see collapse of businesses, financial systems, and governments. He's already warning you. And of entities. Look what he said yesterday, I think it was about the IRS, the, or the, about the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. Look what he said about all those.
There has to be a shaking. And there's another thing I'll probably share on with Pastor Dave today. There was a former FBI agent. This is prophecy being fulfilled out there undercover. James O'Keefe got it. The guy talking about sabotaging President Trump and his presidency. What did God say? They were trying to sabotage President Trump and his presidency.
And now you got somebody out there saying it who was a former FBI agent. These people are really relentless. And that's why we have to be relentless back by praying. Now he's mentioning Jeff Bezos. Mark Zuckerberg. Oh, he's on his good behavior right now. You But not for a good reason. Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, these billionaire giants and many others just like them will fall like Goliath fell.
Remember, Goliath stood in front of the Philistines. Goliath was their like, superpower. He was their like, Iron Man. You know, he was that, that person that shielded them from anybody else. He, he bullied. He He kept people, you know, he said all his words. They did, he did all these things. He was their protecting shield, basically.
These billionaires protect the establishment and they make it so that you, they silence you and bring you into fear and terror.
Their wealth and their power they have used to weaponize. So they've used their wealth and power to weaponize and fund the establishment. They will fall with the system that, that gave them their power and their money. Yeah, Mark Zuckerberg is talking and he's releasing things against the Biden. He's not doing it because he's a good person.
He had an opportunity in 2020 to say all these things that the Biden administration or Biden, you know, you know, can't call them administration because they're not, you know, real. They're fraudulent, but they were the, his campaign was threatening Mark Zuckerberg. He should have came out before that and said it.
Why all of a sudden wait till now? Because he's trying to save his own hind end. Not because he's trying to be a good person. I said, there's that other person I told you about before. It's just hard because I really wanted to truly believe he was a good person. I really wanted to believe that Elon was a good person.
I'm still praying that he changes from his ways, but every time I see him, I can't stop seeing the evil. I can't. I can't stop seeing it. I hear it in his voice. I see it on his face. I can't stop seeing it. So, until I stop seeing it, I have to go by discernment of what God's showing me. He's not there for the right reason at all.
We have to pray that that is exposed. My children, many people, corporations, governments, banks that seem to be too big to fail will all fall before you with no one that will bail them out. These people always bail each other out. They're not gonna be bailed out this time because God is taking it away from them.
Now, the three major corporations that pretty much own everything. It's a monopoly. God called it. Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street. Thanks And remember, the, the shooter, both shooters, I think, that were, that attempted assassinate assassination of President Trump. They were, I think they were both affiliated with BlackRock.
I know one of them, the one in Butler, he was in a BlackRock ad. Oh, this goes so deep and so sinister, it's really disgusting. But anyway, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, those three companies. Look them up and see how many companies they actually own. It's unreal how much they monopolize monopolize and how much they control everything.
We'll all collapse. These are part of the giants that God's talking about. That's why the financial system is going to collapse. Again, God will bring in another one. But as I Am moving my hand, I will show you who was all a part of them. The businesses and corporations that have controlled so much around the world and their monopoly monopoly, and the Ponzi scheme.
You will soon realize how much these three businesses were funding the establishment and how many people in your government were a part of them or, I thought this was interesting how he said it, or owned by them. They own them. Why? Because they blackmail them. They threaten them. They pay them off. It's disgusting.
That's the reason why they're able to do what they can do and stay in their stupid positions as long as they've stayed in them. You mean to tell me Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer Mitch McConnell, all them, they've been in it for 40 years, they've never lost an election, not once, not once. Lost in election.
Not one time.
They're allowed to stay there. They're funded by people like the BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Then it goes on. There is secret money, money that's underneath the table no one knows about. Remember God, stop saying, follow the money. Talked about offshore accounts. There are secret money your leaders are hiding that pays them to make the decisions that are passed in Washington, so our slum lords.
in Washington, have been paid by secret Why do you think all these people making 175, 000 a year come out multi, multi, multi, multi, over multi, multi millionaires? It's not because they're good at their job. It's because they're paid under the table to do certain things that benefit these other people. The architects, the pup the puppet masters, the secret societies, these billionaires, these big corporations.
It's all the establishment. A great shaking is coming to the financial system. Well, you find out why. Because it's a monopoly. It is a Ponzi scheme. It's a load of crap, basically. Let's put it that way. That will crush your enemies in unconventional ways. The world will soon know none of these men, their system, their businesses, and governments are nothing compared to me.
Now, I'm not saying every person who's a billionaire, who is evil. It's not. Look at President Trump. He's a billionaire. He's just smart. He got it the right way. So not everybody who has money is evil. It's the love of money. It's what they do with that money. It's how they hoard that money. It's how they control with that money.
That's the difference. I'm moving my hand to move them all out of the way, and I will have the final say. So again, God is saying he's removing the giants out of the land. He's gonna exterminate them. He's going to get rid of them. They will not be where they are. People think because, you know, like a person like Jeff Bezos or Klaue Schwab or any of them that You know, these, you know, multi multi billionaires.
Money is power, you know? Like, you know, look how big Amazon is. Unfortunately, I liked Amazon. It's convenient. It's easy. They make it that way. But what they do behind it is evil. It's a front. It's disgusting what you're gonna find out what's behind a lot of these businesses. My children, the storm is upon your enemies.
The wind is picking up, the waves are growing, and the destruction that it brings will be catastrophic. He talked about the perfect storm upon our enemies. Be catastrophic to your enemy's system and governments. It's all coming to a destructive place. Brace for this unprecedented impact of judgment that's about to strike your enemies to free you from their death grip.
So, that's why you're going to see a lot of different things change. The time has come for unusual to take place. Get out of your comfort zones. A lot of people like to get comfortable. That's why God's people, look, think about that. God released them from the hands of Pharaoh. And the Egyptians, and they wanted back.
They wanted right back in. Why? It was their comfort zone. It was their safe place they thought. It was their, it was what they knew. God said get out of that comfort zone. My children, stop relying on your old ways and yourselves. It is time for The Great I Am to show the world that I Am still alive, and I Am still the Most High God.
The winds of change are here to change the nations, to change systems, and to bring in my glory, says Lord. So that's the reason why we're gonna see certain things change, because God is changing The nations, that's why the winds of change are here. He's changing the nations, changing systems, to bring in his glory.
That's why we're seeing such a change in everything. I'm telling you, I don't know, since the election for sure, there has been such a change in the atmosphere of what's been going on. But again, God will always have the final say. So let's pray. Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, we thank you, and we praise you that you are getting rid of all the giants in our land.
Amen. We thank and praise you, Father God, that every single person that does not belong will not stay where they are. We thank you, Father God, as this storm is passing over us, we are not a part of that storm because John 17 says that we are in this world, but we are not of it. So as you're telling us to batten down the hatches, and you're telling us to stay on high alert, and you're telling us we are gonna weather this storm, I thank you, Father God, that we're gonna come out of this even stronger than we have been before.
Because you are the author. And the finisher of our faith and father god as this judgment these judgments are hitting our enemies Everywhere all over the world. We thank you father god that we are not subject to those judgments. We thank you father god We are protected from those judgments. We thank you father god from the protecting of those people in those Wildfires all over california.
We thank you father god. It will take something unprecedented It will take father god your mighty hand to stop those fires In California, but also not to, also to stop them, but to expose the ones who set them on, set them ablaze. Father God, we're calling for the exposure. We're calling our enemies down from those lofty places of power.
And any other form of attack they have against this nation, or against your people, or President Trump and his inauguration, and his presidency. Father God, w
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