
11 days ago

Andy, Chad, and Lance don't leave the State of Kansas this week on the podcast because there was so much to cover locally, including What's Happening with the city of Newton, which contains some huge successes, Halstead's potential economic development opportunity, Wichita's School Bond Vote, an upcoming possible Constitutional Amendment in the State of Kansas Concerning Supreme Court Justices, and so much more! This week's episode is huge, the hugest podcast, the best, the greatest podcast in Harvey County, maybe even the State of Kansas! #podcast #USD259 #wichitakansas #ksleg #stateofkansas #USD373 #harveycountyks #technology #technologynews #batterystorage #investment #newtonkansas #cityofnewtonks #kansasgovernor #service #economicdevelopment #economicgrowth #harveycounty #newtonkscitygovernment #newtonareachamberofcommerce #future

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