Why Is Placing Enduring Faith in God Important?

3 days ago

Summary - As weird as this may sound, there really is no mystery to a stable life. A stable, steadfast life is built on consistent enduring faith and purposeful action built on the instruction and obedience to the work that God and Christ have made specifically for you. It is very simple. Consistently bowing before the throne in reverence. Challenges will always arise. Especially on days that end in ‘y’. Difficulty is not the issue.

Will we stay committed and consistent? That is the question. If we remain committed to God, be consistent to His calling for the work He designed us to perform, and obey the instructions and path He provides everyday, we will find that our efforts are never wasted. Whatever God is involved with will have an impact. Any other result runs counter to His nature. Whenever we labor for God, it isn’t in vain because the idea is His, the plan is His, He will provide the resources, and He doesn’t give you the idea and plan to begin with unless He’s already seen it done. It then becomes us getting on His page and having faith in Him taking us through the process of getting us ready to manage what He created. We need to be enduring in our faith in Him. He won’t let us down. God Bless You!

Music - Epic Motivation / Jeremusic70

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