4 hours ago

We will demonstrate via two passages from the Quran; why it is illogical, for a “JEW OR CHRISTIAN” to ever convert to Islam. Even the Quran says a Jew or Christian, can practice their beliefs, without becoming a follower of Mohammed; & still make Paradise (Heavenly Kingdom) at the Last Day or Resurrection of the Dead. Must Muslims do not know this. Nor do must know the Quran commands them to read the Bible & keep the Sabbath (WE HAVE SHOWN OR CHURCH & SYNAGOGUE THIS BEFORE). The reason they don’t know these things is because they do not read for themselves. Like Members of the other Abrahamic religions, as well as those of Dharmic religions; they do not read their Holy text for themselves. Instead they rely on Imam’s, Rabbi’s, Pastor’s etc… only & never read for themselves. Most of the time your Pastor, Rabbi, or Imam is probably not even quoting Bible or Quran. Lot’s of time it is traditions like Hadiths, Talmud, Catechism, etc… The Bible warned us that most religious leaders in the Abrahamic faiths would be false prophets or wolves in sheep's clothing. That is why the Bible instructs us to try or prove the religious leaders on doctrine & for us to study for ourselves as well. I think one person I baptized left the faith & converted to Islam. So this is to show the foolishness of doing that & hopefully convert Muslims to Judeo-Christianity, Or at a minimum start a dialogue. I am familiar with the Quran because I’ve read it many times since a child just like the Bible.

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