Faithful Watchmen the Website Resource to Encourage You, Help You to Study the Word of God, Live Joy

6 hours ago

Faithful Watchmen is a website that I have worked on for many years. It is my first love for God. I have collected a lot of resources together in one place for you, to encourage you in your daily walk of faith. I'm just an average wife, mom and grandma. I feel led to share things with you, that will help you to feel happiness, work for God and use the gifts He has given you. Do you have joy? You have to work at it, to try to see the goodness, to focus on whatever is pure and lovely. You can be the bright light in the darkness! Do you have hope? Jesus told us to have great hope! Some day we will be in heaven, and some day we will spend eternity with God! Don't be shy in sharing the blessings God has given you. I'm hoping you get inspired to study and learn and grow in God's Word. I won't always be right, but I will be the encourager you might need to get started, or to continue. Christ is the reason we live each day, and what brings us together in His worship. Religion is not the distraction we will allow to separate us. Let's reason together!

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