Modern Black Feminist Dates Red Pill Brother, Hilarity Ensues - LMAO

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The gift that truly keeps right on giving! People have asked me: Why do I make so much content featuring the likes of Feminista Jones? Is it because I'm "obsessed" with her ilk? Is it because of my supposed "burning hatred" of Black women? The answer to both these and related questions is a simple "No" - the reason is because Modern Black Feminists make themselves such big, juicy targets for their nonsense that they're an easy content slam dunk. Simple as. Jones, who's personal dating and relationship history looks like the proverbial car wreck on the freeway, has resurfaced to share her latest tale of woe: Her (always brief) relationship with a Red Pill Brother, and what she's supposedly "learned" from it. Perhaps if she used those same powers of introspection, she might be able to figure out why she struck out on the world's biggest, first and only FEMINIST DATING APP - BUMBLE - WITH WOMEN(!). I mean, WTF?!? Now you see why I go in on people like Feminista Jones - because you just cannot make this stuff up - and we're gonna talk about it TODAY, ONLY ON RUMBLE!

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