WATCH - Crenshaw, Davidson Show America How To Deal With Issues Using Civility

6 years ago

“In what I’m sure was a huge shock to people who know me, I made a poor choice last week,” Davidson said. “I made a joke about lieutenant commander Dan Crenshaw, and on behalf of the show and myself, I apologize.”

After Davidson took a moment to also acknowledge what his mother most be going through (“It can’t be easy when everyone’s mad at your son and roommate,” he said), he reiterated “from the bottom of my heart” that it was a poor choice of words to say, in the Nov. 3 “Weekend Update” segment of the late night sketch comedy that Crenshaw looked like “a hitman from a porno.”

“The man is a war hero and he deserves all of the respect in the world. And if any good came of this, maybe it was that for one day the left and the right finally came together to agree on something — that I’m a dick,” Davidson said.

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