Clear thoughts and plans for a new direction. Are you ready 2 cut something out for good?

2 days ago

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There has been a difficult new start that you have been thinking about for a while. This could be a time of getting clear on the next steps. You may have recently had to cut something or someone out of your life. This could be weighing heavy on your mind. This needs to be forgiven and its time to move forward with clarity. You could be thinking about the details of this new direction or project. This is a time where you could be rethinking or readjusting some plans. This could have been delayed and now there is some forward movement, but you might have to make some final adjustments. You have put a lot of thought into this, and it may be time for a good laugh or to move your body. Overthinking could make you feel stuck. Try to take a walk or other activity to get out of your head.
Love and Light xo

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