Hospitality & Angels - Part ONE

4 hours ago

Becoming Aware of Angels with Wayne C Anderson
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PDF Notes:
Hebrews 13:2 (ESV)
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

When it comes to the subject of angels, this New Testament scripture references something that is very important in the heavens.
Hebrews also tells us that earthly designs can exist to show how heaven is designed.

“…since there are those who offer the gifts according to the Law; who serve as a copy and shadow of the heavenly things, just as Moses was warned by God when he was about to erect the tabernacle; for, “See,” He says, “that you make all things according to the pattern shown to you on the mountain.”
Hebrews 8:4-5

Hospitality is first shown extravagantly in the scriptures concerning Abraham.

(The following are not in chronological order but in order of importance.)
√ Abraham’s Vineyard
√ Abraham’s visit to Ishmael’s home
√ The 3 men’s visit with Abraham at the oaks of Mamre

There is no excuse for a lack of hospitality.
√ Sodom’s inhospitable laws are what brought their destruction by heaven.
New Moon feast and Shabbat are with for heavenly beings

The New Moon Feasts are about hospitality. The surmounting strength of hospitality is found “where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.” Matthew 18:20 (LITV)

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