JP update [PREdisclosure for full DISCLOSURE IS COMING]

6 hours ago

[!] NOW IS EARTH SURFACE on non stop EVACUATION WHY here is been also told planet surface evacuations from past history, black goo is old space programs problem thats not problem on new situation on earth surface, anunnaki been removed already, only similar problem is nano from vaxxs foods waters air what can remove only higher dimensions galactics technology not space programs technologies also radioactivity ☣ ☢.

[~] on internet virtual reality only 1% is correctly told good enough, masons handlers misleaders are huge numbers when still all negative groups physically non physically are 5% from earth surface population or half billion or 500 000 000 negative beings, lightworkers patriots are only tens millions, people collective whats not been wake up is only potential light, from lightworkers patriots only tiny number are fully light.

[✓] "Celestial chambers said Zorra💥🪐"

YES, told is real info, bigger healing platforms are city size, smaller size are room size, bed size are not good enough when copied from space programs, that technologies was been design only for rebuild hybrid clones, they still try mix all for sell how population not really know,
energy protection platforms can be made also bed size, healing platforms need be bigger than bed size as earth surface is low frequency modern citys extra low frequencys, bed size energy protection platforms can be build from glassfiber (optional copper wire) and sea salt and water grids and hardwood bamboo and natural minerals materials partly even metals (not aluminium) works when correctly made, BUT negativities still block out all good ideas from population, neutral or positive is not happen before full disclosure, for your own being can do when know how why is better figure, all is not told shown.



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