Does astrology work and why is it dangerous?

8 hours ago

Does Astrology Work? A detailed critique of astrology from the perspective of science and Christianity.

I apologize, the AI ​​translation is inaccurate in some places.

0:00 Introduction
0:39 History of Astrology
8:30 What is a horoscope?
14:07 Precession or shift of constellations
17:06 Barnum effect
18:49 Does ASTROlogy need stars?
22:12 Astrology and science
24:42 Gravity
26:33 Quantum physics
28:33 Interactions unknown to science
31:28 Astrology and statistics. Ancient Texts
35:44 Modern Statistics (Michel Gauquelin)
40:34 Inconsistencies of Astrology as a Science
50:00 Tests of Astrology
55:49 The Mechanism of Astrology
1:07:58 Astrology of Marriage
1:11:18 The Mechanism of Astrology (continued)
1:16:09 C. G. Jung
1:23:53 The Mechanism of Astrology (continued)
1:49:41 Astrology and the Nativity of Christ
1:51:22 The Mechanism of Astrology (continued)
1:54:49 Fragment of the documentary "The Island of Salvation"
1:58:15 End credits

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