Some Other Guy Reading Public Domain Poetry #00001 Robert LEE Frost

2 days ago

Hi, I'm some other guy reading public domain poetry because there's always some other guy doing this sort of thing. I believe this stuff isn't so much in the literary canon anymore as it is being replaced (perhaps buried) in it so I'm giving it a little digital life before we all end up like bites in a computer like little bites of apple bits pieces or digital bread crumbs or something vaguely edible or edifying like that. Does that make sense? If so, enjoy my impersonation of one of my favorite college professors. His name escapes me but please don't hold that against him, or against me for that matter. Starting out with Robert LEE Frost stuff. Never knew he had a middle name like Lee. Mine is John during odd months, Joesph during even months but I use both during leap years because everything feels longer during leap years. Remember last year? So long...... I wish I was as tall as last year was long but fate can be cruel, can't it??? Anyway. yeah. POETRY. SO HIP!!!!

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