Search Warrant - “The Revolving Door of Corruption”

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Special Guest Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

#Medical #Corruption
#Science backed Long COVID #Solutions #ResidualPandemicSyndromes
#InsuranceData #MortalityCrisisPersists
#IntelligenceInformationReports #IIR’s
#Philadelphia #NewYork #Corruption
#Krasner’s Hideously Obscene Endorsements
#JudgeDugan #DuganForDA
#DawnCaraveo #Murder ruled #Suicide Update
#JenniferGatz #IndianaStatePolice
#DOGE continues uncovering #Fraud
#MoneyLaundering #TaxEvasion

“Search Warrant” on KGRA is an #InvestigativeReporting #News #LawEnforcement program covering #Crime #Corruption #MediaBias broadcasting from #SaltLakeCityUT and #HudsonValleyNY consisting of an Award-winning Investigative Reporter (Ralph Cipriano), a veteran #Philadelphia Homicide Detective (Jake Jacobs), a veteran #Buffalo Detective (Anna Mydlarz), a veteran #NCIS Special Agent (John Snedden) and Special Guests…

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