World's Laziest Dogs

6 years ago

These have to be the laziest dogs ever.

Not once did they get up to move from their comfy laying positions. Most dogs would jump up and greet a new person who comes around, but when this guy stops by to say good morning, these dogs can barely muster up the energy to lift their heads. This isn’t from neglect or malnutrition, these dogs are well fed and taken care of. No, instead they’ve taken to just laying about, enjoying the day by snoozing or resting in one place.

One dog appears to be a possible mix of German Shepard, and the other a black lab. When you think of lazy dog breeds, neither of these come to mind. A German Shepard for instance, is usually full of energy and well trained, as they are often used as police dogs. With the German Sheppard mix in this video, if you decided to rob the house, it probably wouldn’t even bat an eye.

The black lab at least shows some kind of excitement at a new person coming around. He at the very least picks up his head and wags his tail, maybe looking in the hope he will get a few good boy pats. As the cameraman walks over to the lab we can see his tail a-wiggling, excited by someone new. But still, in his lazy dog fashion, he never gets up.

If you threw a tennis ball for either of these doggos, I’m sure they’d wag their tails and think momentarily about getting up, but ultimately resign themselves to the comfortable position they’re already in.

This video was shot on one of the Hawaiian Islands, so it’s possible that both these pooches are just on island time, not ready to get moving until at least midday. They live that laid-back island doggo lifestyle.

Even though neither pooch ever bothered to get up, and even if they are the laziest dogs in the world, they are still of course, good boys.

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