1 day ago

‘Mad as hell’ Canadians cancel US travel
en masse as trade war escalates

□ The NY Post alleges Canadians are canceling their American vacation en masse. NOT!

□ The use of ‘en masse’ is more than a slight exaggeration, it’s a

□ Florida and Texas [popular hangouts for vacationing
Canadians] have record numbers of Canadians taking
advantage of the weather.

You can read this piece of excrement by clicking on the link below:

□ Air and land travel are barely been impacted.

□ Small / loud groups of Canadians tell press ‘nobody wants to
go to the United States’ and, of course, the press has picked up
on that.

□ The press lies. The NY Post is no exception.

□ Canadians know they’re unfair decades with punishing tariffs.

□ Trump’s 25% Tariff [on hold] has ‘panic junkies’ up in arms over ‘doomsday tariff plan.’

□ Trudeau won’t negotiate in good faith. A weak leader hated
by his own people.

□ US Press [NY Post] claim a Canadian exodus will could cost the US economy $2.1 billion and 14,000 jobs.
□ “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore,” Tarini, an unimaginative Canuck with an ax to grind blurts out.

□ Tarini is an avid Anti-Trumper. A TDS victim. I won’t reprint his rantings. Go to the NY Post.

□ Canadians resent ‘51st American state’ rhetoric. Canadians realize their own insignificance.

□ Canada is a ‘bedroom community’ to the USA.

□ David Haley’s owns a popular spot in Ft. Lauderdale where
Canadians often come to winter. He says, “We’re booked
solid as usual. There’s no decline in interest here. Our
Canadian friends continue to line up and come on down as
soon as a vacancy pop up.”

□ Americans aren’t boycotting Canada travel. Weak Canadian dollar / English speaking people make it a favorite Summer vacation spot for Americans.

□ January travel from US to Canada by car is up over 23%.

□ More than 707,000 Americans crossed the border last month.

□ Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY) says, “We’ll happily welcome our
little brother back—whether it’s as our 51st state or a trading
partner at a table that’s more balanced.”

□ That’s how I feel, so what about it?

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