TUESDAY TALK SHOW: THE BATTLE PASS - Professional Gamers Federation LIVE

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PGF LIVE THE BATTLE PASS is coming to you LIVE! The Professional Gamers Federation has the best e-sports gamers and gameplay in the world and we are here to discuss all their comings and goings. Tonight, Markus has a lot to catch you all up on after our MASSIVE Heartbreak Hoedown pay-per-view 2 weeks ago and our show from last Friday! ButNustin is officially gone on a cruise (most expenses paid by PGF). The Rootin' Tootin' Titan is done with the Make Gaming Great Again tour after his 2 teammates were replaced by two of our troublesome gamers: Johnny "The Mouth" Malone and TheBigMacDaddyShow as the Terrible Two-oh. What will happen next? What were your favorite moments? It is guaranteed Markus will share them all with you and more in this week's BATTLE PASS!

Have you missed one of our live shows? Tune in EVERY FRIDAY at 6pm MST!

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